Georgia Tech UCEM Ph.D. Fellowship

The UCEM (University Center of Exemplary Mentoring) program has the goal of increasing the number of outstanding engineering, science, and computing Ph.D. students from under-served populations. The program seeks to support students from backgrounds that include African American/Black, Hispanic, Native American, and Pacific Islander. The Georgia Tech UCEM Ph.D. Fellowship provides two years of support for students who have recently completed the Ph.D. Qualifying/Preliminary exam. The program is now sponsored by the GT President’s office; it was previously sponsored by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.

Eligibility Requirements:

    • Georgia Tech Ph.D. student in the College of Engineering, College of Computing, or College of Sciences
    • Passed Ph.D. Qualifying/Prelim exam in Summer 2020 semester or more recently (exam must be passed prior to submittal of this application.)
    • US Citizen

Program Description

    • Stipend supplement of $10k per year for three years which is added to GRA, GTA or other fellowship funding the student is currently receiving. Note: You should check the rules of other fellowships you may be receiving to verify that they allow you to receive additional stipend funding. Total award value is $30k.
    • Participation in academic and career enrichment and mentoring activities conducted by the Georgia Tech University Center of Exemplary Mentoring (GT – UCEM)

Student and Faculty Advisor Application Instructions

Students must submit a completed application online.

This application includes a Statement of Purpose (not exceeding 1,000 words) that describes his/her academic and research background and research plans. The Statement of purpose will be uploaded to the application system as a .PDF file.

Once the student submits the form, the application system will email the student’s Ph.D. Research Advisor to request that a reference letter for the student be uploaded. The applicant will not be able to view the reference letter. The advisor’s letter must cover the following two topics:

    • Assessment of the applicant’s background, skills, personal and professional characteristics as they relate to the Ph.D. program.
    • Description of the graduate funding plan and the expected stability of graduate funding for the student during his/her Ph.D. program. The advisor (e.g. through GRA) and academic unit (e.g. through GTA) should plan to continue full base funding for the student throughout Ph.D. studies. The GT UCEM Fellowship provides a stipend supplement that is to be added to the existing full base graduate funding secured to support the student.

Award notifications are expected to be made early in the Fall 2022 semester. Questions should be directed to:

  • Internal Submission Deadline: Monday, August 8, 2022

Postdoctoral Fellow position in Civil & Environmental Engineering at the University of Vermont

Applications for a Postdoctoral Fellow position for a project on quantifying the external environmental, health, equity, and economics costs of transportation civil infrastructure projects are invited. The anticipated start date is September 1, 2022.  This one-year position is renewable for a second year upon satisfactory performance in the first year. The full advertisement can be found here.

Successful applicants will have strong analytical abilities and a solid publication record; a keen interest in improving environmental, economic, and equity outcomes of transportation systems and decision-making; the ability to work independently; and excellent written and verbal communication skills, including the ability to communicate clearly with both academic and practitioner audiences. Experience with transportation decision-making, transportation project performance assessment, lifecycle assessment, social cost accounting, and/or related areas is preferred. Applicants must have a Ph.D. and at least one degree in civil engineering, sustainability science, economics, or a related field. Depending on their interests, the postdoctoral fellow may also have opportunities to write proposals, engage in other research at UVM, and/or teach civil and environmental engineering courses.

The applicant must submit a cover letter describing their relevant experience and interest in the position, a current curriculum vitae, and names and contact information of at least three professional references who can provide letters of reference. All application materials should be sent to Prof. Mandar Dewoolkar ( as a single PDF file.  Applications will be reviewed beginning July 1, 2022 and will be accepted until the position is filled.

Postdoc Opportunity! NRC Research Associateship Program



The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine administers postdoctoral and senior research awards at participating federal laboratories and affiliated institutions at locations throughout the U.S and abroad.


We are seeking highly qualified candidates who hold, or anticipate earning, a doctorate in a variety of fields of science or engineering. Degrees from foreign universities should be equivalent in training and research experience to a doctoral degree from a U.S. institution. Citizenship eligibility varies among the sponsoring laboratories.

Application deadline dates (four annual review cycles):

  • February 1
  • May 1
  • August 1
  • November 1

Awardees have the opportunity to:

  • Conduct independent research in an area compatible with the interests of the sponsoring laboratory
  • Devote full-time effort to research and publication
  • Access the excellent and often unique facilities of the federal research enterprise
  • Collaborate with leading scientists and engineers at the sponsoring laboratories

Awardee benefits include:

  • Stipends ranging from $45,000 to $94,500; may be higher based on experience
  • Health insurance (including dental and vision), relocation benefits, and a professional travel allowance

For detailed program information, to search Research Opportunities, and to contact prospective Research Adviser(s) visit



HEALS Fellowship Application Open!

A new fellowship program, the Health and Environment Allied Leadership (HEAL) Fellows Program just launched and is now accepting applications until July 12. The fellowship is targeted toward Ph.D. candidates and postdocs working in environmental and/or health research, with the goal of creating a very interdisciplinary inaugural cohort with folks from many GT colleges.

Apply for HEAL Fellows Program at GT 

The Health and Environment Allied Leadership (HEAL) Fellows Program is a NEW opportunity for Georgia Tech graduate students and postdocs in any GT college who are driven to make an impact on human and environmental health. During a 10-month program, fellows will connect with peers and faculty across all GT colleges, receive interdisciplinary training to address human and environmental health challenges, and engage with academic experts, community leaders, and policymakers to initiate collaborations toward science-informed actions with public impact. Fellows will be selected on a competitive basis. Visit the webpage to learn more and apply by July 12, 2022.