
General Registration Information

At Georgia Tech, there are two phases of registration. New students register during Phase II which starts a week before classes begin and concludes at the end of the first week of classes. One day before registration begins, the Registrar’s office will issue you a time ticket email, which will let you know when you can register. Those will be posted on August 11th.

To view the course schedule, register for class and much more, log into Buzzport.

Here are some videos with guidance on how to register as well as possible errors codes and what they mean

In order to register for CEE 7000, CEE 9000 or CEE 8956, you will need a permit. Please send your GTID and the CRN for the section to  Please copy your faculty advisor as we cannot issue permits without their approval.

Tuition and Fees

To pay your tuition and fees, log into Buzzport and click Pay Now.

The deadline to pay your tuition and fees is August 29th.  You can view the Bursar’s site for more information and helpful dates.

Civil and Environmental Engineering Courses

When you applied, you were asked to choose a specialization. These are also called “concentrations”, “affinity groups” or just “groups”.  During orientation, you will meet with faculty and other students in your group for advising. We ask that you do not register until after this session.

Arranging Your Program of Study

We understand how excited you are to figure out your schedule so here are some tools to help you get started.

  • For MSCE students who will not complete a thesis, you must complete 18 credits in your Specialization and 12 in approved electives.
  • For MSENVE students, you will complete 15 credits in your Specialization and 15 in approved electives.
  • For MSCE who will be working on a thesis, you will complete 12 credits in your Specialization, 12 in approved electives and 6 credits of thesis.  MSENVE students will complete 15 credits in your Specialization, 9 in approved electives and 6 credits of thesis.
  • CSE students will take 12 credits of CSE core classes, 12 credits in your home unit (CEE) and 6 credits of technical electives (or thesis).  Read more Registration information here:
  • ESM students will take 18 credits of mechanics courses, 6 credits of mathematics courses and 6 hours of electives or 12 credits in mechanics, 6 credits in mathematics, 6 in electives and 6 in thesis hours.

Here you will find more information as well as a list of courses specific to your specialization:

PhD students do not have a set number of courses and your course schedule should be determined by you and your faculty advisor.

Handbooks and Policy

Whether staff, faculty or student, we all lean heavily on program and Institute policy. While we’re not expecting you to read all of this information, you should always reference it when you have a question. You should always start with the CEE Graduate Handbook. We always adhere to Institute policy and we may have additional rules and requirements within CEE.