Important Dates:
- Phase I Registration: April 15, 2024-May 17, 2024
- Phase II Registration: August 12, 2024-August 23, 2024. Registration ends promptly at 4pm. Do not wait until the last minute. FYI, after 4pm, you cannot change to Audit mode!
- First Day of Class: August 19, 2024
- Last Day to Apply to Graduate in Fall 2024: August 23, 2024 (here’s how:
- Enrollment Waiver Thesis Deadline: August 23, 2024
- Payment Deadline: August 26, 2024
- GRAs and International Students: Make sure you are registered full time to maintain your status or employment.
- GRAs, make sure you register for 21 hours. Register for however many courses you and your advisor agree upon, then fill up your schedule with thesis hours.
Will this course count towards my degree?
View the Canvas pages for your specialization. Alternatively, you can visit the GSSO site here: View the page for your specialization. Any courses that are not on those lists must be approved by your faculty advisor. If you don’t know who your faculty advisor is, feel free to ask me.
Courses not applying in DegreeWorks? Many courses do not automatically apply and must be manually applied. We will not likely apply any classes until after registration. Refer to the GSSO website to make sure your courses will apply.
Here are some videos with guidance on how to register as well as possible errors codes and what they mean
- If you want to register for a 4xxx level course, send an email with your GTID and the CRN:
- If you want to register for 8900, 8902 or 8956, send an email with your GTID and the CRN: (cc your advisor)
- If you want to register for two 8813 sections, send an email with your GTID and the CRN:
- If you want to register for CEE 6754 Engineering Communication, email Lisa Rosenstein directly to request a permit:
- Want to register for a course outside of CEE and but there is a restriction? The Registrar has a list of contacts so you can request a permit:
Grade Modes:
Classes may be offered Letter Grade, Pass/Fail or Audit mode. You will see these options in OSCAR under “Grade Basis” A=Audit; L=Letter; P=Pass/Fail. If the option is not there, it is not offered.
August 23, 2024 is the last day to change to Audit Mode.
Other holds? They can only be cleared by the department who put them on. Please reach out to that department.
Financial Responsibility Hold? See here:
Sexual Assault Prevention Hold? You must complete the modules here: you must complete the Sexual Assault Prevention modules. Please reach out to Health Initiatives so they can give you access. The email address is on this page:
Updating Variable Credit Hours:
1. Add the course to student schedule using the normal process.
2. Click on “Schedule and Options.”
3. Courses with Variable-credit-hours should have the credit hours underlined in the “Hours”
4. Click on the underlined number and update to appropriate credit hours.
2. Click on “Schedule and Options.”
3. Courses with Variable-credit-hours should have the credit hours underlined in the “Hours”
4. Click on the underlined number and update to appropriate credit hours.