Annual ARCS Scholar Competition (2022 – 2023)

We are pleased to announce the launch of Annual ARCS Scholar Award Fellowship Competition (2022 – 2023). Click on the link below to view more information. Thank you!

Link :

  • Internal Submission Deadline: Monday, July 18, 2022
  • Cycle: 2022-2023
  • Discipline/Subject Area: science, engineering, computing and medical research
  • Description:

ARCS Scholar Awards

Achievement Rewards for College Scientists

Deadline for Nominations – Monday July 18, 2022 at 11:59PM. Review will be conducted by the Graduate Education Fellowships Selection Committee established by the Vice Provost for Graduate & Postdoctoral Education.

The ARCS Scholar Awards recognize outstanding doctoral students who have a record of past achievement and who show exceptional promise of making a significant contribution to the worldwide advancement of science and technology.

Continuing/returning scholars do not need to reapply.

Candidates must:

    1. be citizens of the United States (U.S. Permanent Residents are not eligible to apply);
    2. be enrolled as full-time PhD students in an eligible program (see list below);
    3. have a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 or higher; and
    4. have at least 3 years of study remaining. Scholars who receive an ARCS Foundation award for the first time, cannot be in the last year of their program. Scholars must be in the program for two (2) years for a December graduation date to qualify

This year with 7 continuing scholars, we will award an additional 8, totaling 15 awards. New first-time awards for 2022 -2023 include six awards of $7,5000/year and two awards of $10,000/year. Awards are renewable for up to a total of three years of funding. Selection of first-time scholars will be based on materials (see below) submitted in support of the nomination.

Faculty may nominate candidates pursuing doctoral studies in any of the following Schools:

    • Aerospace Engineering (AE)
    • Biomedical Engineering (BME)
    • Chemical and Bimolecular Engineering (ChBE)
    • Civil & Environmental Engineering (CEE)
    • Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE)
    • Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISyE)
    • Materials Science and Engineering (MSE)
    • Mechanical Engineering (ME)
    • Biological Sciences (BIOS)
    • Mathematics (MTH)
    • Chemistry and Biochemistry (CHEM)
    • Earth & Atmospheric Sciences (EAS)
    • Physics (PHYS)
    • College of Computing (CoC)

Student’s must be nominated by a faculty advisor (one student per faculty advisor). Completed applications include:

    • Completed online InfoReady Review application submitted by the student nominee.
    • One-page document including:
      • student’s name;
      • student’s redacted GT ID in this format xx3456789;
      • list of publications, if applicable;
      • brief description of research pursued during undergraduate or master’s level, if applicable;
      • titled description of the student’s doctoral research, not to exceed 500 words.
    • Student CV
    • A nomination letter from the student’s faculty advisor, which should not exceed two pages in length and should confirm the month and year of the student’s anticipated term of graduation (e.g., May 2026). The nomination letter is also due by Monday July 18, 2022 at 11:59pm so students should begin their applications in InfoReady Review and prompt the letter well before the deadline. Please note that faculty advisors will be prompted to upload the letter of recommendation independently so that it remains confidential

The two awards of $10,000 each are Global Impact Awards to be given to students working on research problems having a broader global context or addressing global issues. This focus should be reflected in the nomination packet materials submitted.

Nominations are limited to one student per faculty advisor.

Nominations must be submitted in electronic format by 11:59pm on Monday July 18, 2022, via the GT InfoReady Review (IRR) internal competition platform.

Please direct any questions about this fellowship or the GT nomination process to Coryn Shiflet, Graduate Fellowships Manager at

NextProf Pathfinder San Diego

The University of California San Diego and the University of Michigan are pleased to announce the 2022 NextProf Pathfinder Future Faculty Workshop on October 2-4, hosted in La Jolla, California.

Applications are due June 22 — we encourage students to apply, and faculty to share this opportunity with any eligible students. 

This workshop is designed for 1st and 2nd year Ph.D. students and master’s students intending to apply to a Ph.D. program. NextProf Pathfinder prepares participants for a successful career in academia over three days by offering information from current faculty on what it takes to build a competitive graduate school record to obtain a faculty position in the professoriate. NextProf Pathfinder encourages those in groups underrepresented in the engineering and computer science professoriate to pursue careers in academia. It is open to U.S. citizens and permanent residents of any ethnicity, race, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, ability, veteran status, socio-economic status, first generation to college status, and religion. All travel and housing costs are covered for accepted applicants.

Apply to NextProf Pathfinder


Art & Research on Campus

Georgia Tech’s Center for 21st Century Universities (C21U) invites you to participate in a hybrid discussion of, “Art & Research on Campus.”The event will take place on June 16 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. ET and will be led by the C21U research team with special presentations from Jason Freeman (School of Music), Aaron Shackelford (GT Arts), Francesco Fedele (School of Civil Engineering), and professional artist Rachel Grant (pictured, below).

Artist Rachel Grant painting the Atlanta skyline.

Participants will learn about campus research projects involving visual arts (painting) and the classroom, music and technology research, and how to become involved in arts-centric research projects at Georgia Tech. The C21U research team will present their ongoing art and education study.

Event DetailsJune 16, 2022 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. ET

This event will be hosted in the hybrid format. Attendees may choose to participate either in person (in Klaus 2405) or virtually.A link for virtual attendees will be distributed via email prior to the event. **RSVP required**


Meeting Agenda:

    • 9:00 am – 9:10 am Introduction by Dr. Stephen Harmon
    • 9:10 am – 9:30 am Interdisciplinary Teaching Model Presentation by Dr. Francesco Fedele (School of Civil Engineering) & Rachel Grant (Artist)
    • 9:30 – 9:45 ROBOTARTS (Colombia)
    • 9:45 am – 10:05 am Art & Geometry Research Presentation by C21U Research Team (Drs. Jonna Lee, Meryem Soylu, Farahnaz Soleimani)
    • 10:05 am – 10:20 am Presentation by Dr. Aaron Shackelford (GT Arts)
    • 10:20 am – 10:35 am Presentation by Dr. Jason Freeman (School of Music)
    • 10:35 am – 10:50 am Presentation by Dr. Mike Winters (Microsoft)
    • 10:50 am – 11:00 am Q&A and Free Discussion with Speakers
    • 11:00 am – 11:10 am Break
    • 11:10 am – 12:00 pm Guided Discussion Session & Conclusion