Looking for Judges for Middle School Competition

The  Team Engineering Challenge contest at SkillsUSA Nationals will be taking place in Atlanta. We are looking for a judge for late morning and afternoon of Thursday, June 23rd as a judging window. Any Georgia Tech Engineering Student can reach out if they would like to become a judge.

The contact has groups of three middle school students presented with a challenge, and then they have to “purchase” materials that they want to use to come up with a solution.

We already have a few industry judges, but are hoping to find one or two more!!

What you will do as a judge!

The judges will be watching the students test what they build, and then interviewing the students to ask a bit about the engineering process that they went through, what went well, what they struggled with, and things like that. Someone that is going to be able to differentiate between the various teams for the middle schoolers.



Alan J. Mamerow

Applied Engineering and Technology Education
TeacherSkillsUSA and Supermileage Advisor
Phone: (262) 246-6471 X1762
Email: mameal@hamilton.k12.wi.us

Newbanks, Inc. Internship!


Newbanks, Inc./Atlanta is a construction consulting firm that serves construction lenders and developers by providing  plan & cost reviews for commercial projects, monthly progress observations on new construction, and property conditions assessments. The construction consultants review contractor draw packages, observe the progress & quality of the ongoing construction, and provide reports to clients on the draw package accuracy and appropriateness.


Newbanks is looking to fill an intern position within the summer or fall 2022 semesters or on a co-op basis. The intern role will involve acquisition & review of construction documents for the plan & cost reviews, review of monthly observation reports, and coordination with clients. Interns will obtain experience with reviewing construction project designs and budgets, commercial development projects, Low Income Tax Credit Housing projects, and a familiarity with AIA pay applications and monthly construction draw requests.


Please reach out to Trav Harris – tharris@newbanksinc.com, if you are interested in this position and include a resume and preferred internship period (summer, fall, co-op).



Applications are due June 30

CEE RISING STARS 2022- Carnegie Mellon UniversityRising Stars is a series of workshops designed for doctoral students and postdocs who are interested in advancing women in teaching and research careers in Civil and Environmental Engineering. Launched at MIT in 2012, this workshop targeting different engineering disciplines has been hosted at several universities.

As a participant, you will interact with faculty members from top institutions and start building your network with scholars. Small group sessions will cover:

  • Academic career path guidance
  • How to secure a faculty appointment
  • Tips for thriving as a new faculty member
  • Personalized feedback
  • Faculty mentor to review their application materials

Sessions will include active discussions and interactions and will require commitment from participants to complete the sessions.

We invite early-career researchers in CEE to join us at Carnegie Mellon for this exciting experience. Applications are due June 30, 2022.  More information about CEE Rising Stars 2022 is available at:   www.cmu.edu/cee/rising-stars/index.htmlRising Stars Workshop – Civil and Environmental Engineering – Carnegie Mellon University