Novelis Scholars Program Reminder

Novelis Scholars Program 2021-2022

Novelis Scholars Program

The Novelis Innovation Hub at Georgia Tech is pleased to announce the launch of the Novelis Scholars Program which seeks to recognize top graduate students conducting research in various aspects of sustainability, high-throughput materials discovery, and surface functionalization, and AI/data science applications in materials/manufacturing/supply chains. As a global leader in innovative aluminum products and services and as the world’s largest recycler of aluminum, championing the vision of a circular economy, Novelis has partnered with Georgia Tech to collaborate on R&D, and promote education of the next generation of engineers dedicated to making better products that lead to a more sustainable world.

Novelis is headquartered in Atlanta with a global footprint, over 12,500 employees and recorded $12.3 billion in revenue for its 2020 fiscal year. Novelis is a subsidiary of Hindalco Industries Limited, an industry leader in aluminum and copper, and the metals flagship company of the Aditya Birla Group, a multinational conglomerate based in Mumbai, India. For more information about Novelis, please visit and see their recent press release on expansion of the Novelis-GT Partnership.



  • Catalyze and cultivate excellence in graduate level research in strategic growth areas relevant to Novelis and Georgia
  • Connect top students and their thesis advisors with Novelis scientists and engineers to learn about their research and explore collaboration and engagement

Eligibility and Selection Criteria

  • Open to students pursuing M.S. and Ph.D. degrees with their thesis research focused on one of the following areas of relevance to Novelis: 1) Sustainable design, processes, and business practices, 2) High-throughput materials discovery, 3) Surface functionalization/modification technologies, and 4) AI/Data Science applications in materials/manufacturing/supply chains.
  • Emphasis on research and academic excellence.
  • Students who enhance diversity and inclusion initiatives at Georgia Tech are strongly encouraged to


  • $7,500 award (topping grant) for the 2021-2022 Academic Year
  • “Spend a day at NGRTC”
    • Present a Novelis Scholar Invited Lecture on research accomplishments during the year of the award to Novelis R&D Scientists and Engineers at the Novelis Global Research & Technology Center (NGRTC) in Kennesaw, GA
    • NGRTC Lab Tour
    • Opportunity to interact with Novelis leadership, and scientists and engineers working on related topics
    • Opportunity to learn about Novelis’ R&D initiatives for real-world challenges

Application Process

  • Send a short (< 2 pages) nomination letter from thesis advisor and the student’s CV to
  • Deadline for submitting application: October 18, 2021

Please direct any general questions regarding the Novelis Scholars Program to Prof. Shreyes Melkote at

Carnegie Mellon University Tenure-Track Faculty Position

Carnegie Mellon University Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Tenure-Track Faculty Position – Environmental Engineering, Sustainability, and Science

Carnegie Mellon University’s Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) invites applications at
the Assistant or Associate (untenured) Professor level for a tenure-track faculty member in environmental
engineering. We are seeking candidates with expertise in the integration of chemical, biological, or geological
sciences with water resource engineering, engineered treatment systems, resource recovery, environmental systems
analysis, or other emerging water-related areas. Candidates with interdisciplinary expertise are highly desired. This
includes, but is not limited to, demonstrated integration of decision support, community engagement, equity,
and/or social justice into their research and/or teaching.

Carnegie Mellon University has a distinctive interdisciplinary education and research program. CEE has unique
education and research activities in sensing, control, information modeling and visualization of infrastructure and
environmental systems; environmental chemistry; water and air quality engineering and science; climate change
adaptation; engineering for sustainability and resilience; smart cities; environmental nanotechnology and
biotechnology; materials modeling; environmental justice, and energy systems analysis. We have state-of-the-art
experimental and computing facilities and offer unparalleled opportunities to collaborate with colleagues. In
support of interdisciplinary collaborations, joint appointment between CEE and another department or college at
Carnegie Mellon is possible. The mission, goals, current activities, and research center/institute engagements of the
CEE Department are described at

Applications will be accepted until December 31, 2021. Review of applications will begin on November 1, 2021
and will continue until the position is filled. The expected start date is August, 2022. E-mail inquiries concerning
this position may be sent to the Search Committee via

Please submit your application at including a cover letter, curriculum vitae, transcripts
(official or unofficial), statement of research experience and interests, statement of teaching experience and
interests, a diversity statement (outlining how you have contributed to, or plan to contribute to, diversity, inclusion,
and equity), up to three publications or manuscripts, and a list of at least three references with contact information.
We will notify you in advance of any requests for reference letters. We seek a colleague with the ability to teach
effectively at both the undergraduate and graduate levels and to develop a robust, externally-funded research
program. You should have a doctorate in civil and environmental engineering or a related field by the start date for
the position. In your application, please discuss potential intersections with existing faculty research areas, and
alignment with one or more research centers and institutes within the department or university.

Carnegie Mellon is committed to increasing the diversity of its community on a range of intellectual and cultural
dimensions. We welcome faculty applicants who will contribute to this diversity through their research, teaching
and service. We seek to meet the needs of dual-career couples and is a member of the Higher Education
Recruitment Consortium (HERC) that assists with dual-career searches

Assistant/Associate Professor of Engineering – Swathmore College

Swarthmore College: Engineering Department


Swarthmore, PA

Open Date

Aug 2, 2021


The Department of Engineering at Swarthmore College invites applications for two tenure-track positions at the Assistant or Associate level beginning in Fall 2022.

We are especially interested in candidates whose teaching and scholarship incorporates the cross-cutting focus areas of sustainability, social impacts of technology, engineering design, or bioengineering.

Specializations can range across the spectrum of engineering subfields, with particular interest in the areas of Civil and Environmental, Electrical, and Mechanical Engineering. We seek candidates with the ability to teach talented undergraduates from diverse backgrounds in introductory core courses as well as mid- to upper-level elective courses in the candidate’s area of specialization – see for current offerings.

Swarthmore’s Department of Engineering provides an ABET-accredited general Engineering major, with faculty distributed across the subfields listed above plus Computer Engineering, as well as a growing focus on Biomedical Engineering. All courses that count for our major have an attached laboratory component, and we place a strong emphasis on undergraduate research conducted with faculty. The department is housed in a brand-new building with dedicated laboratory space for new faculty.

Located in the suburbs of Philadelphia and near Wilmington DE, Swarthmore College is a highly selective liberal arts college whose mission combines academic rigor with social responsibility. Swarthmore has a strong institutional commitment to diversity, and actively seeks and welcomes applications from candidates with exceptional qualifications, particularly those with demonstrable commitments to a more inclusive society and world. Applicants from traditionally underrepresented groups are strongly encouraged to apply. For more information on Faculty Diversity and Excellence at Swarthmore, see


For the Assistant Professor rank, the successful candidate will have completed their PhD by January 2023. For the Associate Professor rank, the candidate must be a tenured Associate Professor at their current institution. Previous teaching experience is highly valued. The strongest candidates will be expected to demonstrate a commitment to creative teaching and an active research program that speaks to and motivates undergraduates from diverse backgrounds.

Application Instructions

Candidates must submit a cover letter that addresses their interest in teaching at a liberal arts college and their preparation to teach and mentor undergraduates from diverse backgrounds. Cover letters should also highlight any aspects of candidates’ research or teaching that address the cross-cutting focus areas of sustainability, social impacts of technology, engineering design, or bioengineering.

Additional application materials include a CV, a research statement, a teaching statement, and the names and contact information for three references.

We understand the pandemic has affected the way scholars contribute and publish, so applicants should feel free to discuss work in progress as well as research disseminated in both non-traditional venues and peer-reviewed publications.

Apply via Interfolio

We will begin reviewing applications on December 1, 2021 and continue until available positions are filled. Feel free to address any questions to Matt Zucker, Associate Professor and Search Committee Chair (

PhAM is looking for PhD Students to Mentor Undergraduates

The Ph.D. Applicant Mentorship program (PhAM) is looking for CEE Ph.D students to serve as undergraduate student mentors! Mentoring our CEE undergrads is only a small time commitment, but it is fun, rewarding, and looks great on a CV! PhAM currently needs new mentors to help out with its two services: 1-on-1 Mentorship and Workshops (more info below!). Mentors can participate in one or both parts of the program.

Please fill out this survey to sign up:

1-on-1 Mentorship

Mentors will be paired with a CEE undergraduate and are expected to meet with their mentee several times per semester. Some ways you might help your mentee are listed below:

For mentees graduating in 2-3 years, you can:

· Help them decide if they to want pursue a Ph.D.
· Suggest how to use their undergrad years to prepare for Ph.D. studies
· Share strategies for learning about Ph.D. programs

For mentees graduating in 0-2 years, you can:

· Help them find fitting Ph.D. programs
· Guide them through the Ph.D. application process
· Prepare them for interviews and help them evaluate offers


Mentors are also invited to serve as panelists in 1-hour conversational workshops open to all CEE undergraduates. This semester’s workshops will be held in hybrid mode at:

11am on 10/15/2021 (Topic: Is grad school right for me? Master’s or Ph.D.?), and
11/12/2021 (Topic: How do I apply to grad school?).
Panelists will share their personal experience on each the topic at the beginning of the workshop, and they will help answer students questions during the Q&A that follows.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Alex Muscalus ( or Rachael Panik (