If you haven’t seen it yet, SKY Club at Georgia Tech is having one of its flagship retreats this weekend. Take a break to learn powerful evidence based breathwork and experience deep meditation that you can practice at home. Everyone is welcome to join!
The course fee is fully funded for Georgia Tech students by Mental Health Joint Allocation Committee at Georgia Tech. We require a commitment fee from you that will be refunded after attending all 3 sessions. We also request you to register by tomorrow, so we can cater to all those are planning to join for the retreat.

March 1st – 6:30pm to 9:30pm
March 2nd and 3rd – 10 am to 2pm (includes Lunch)
Location- All three sessions are on GT campus, for more info, click the registration link below.
Registration link: https://tiny.cc/skygtretreat
Please feel free to contact us for any questions or concerns.
Email: yesplusgt@gmail.com
We look forward to seeing you on the retreat!

SKY Happiness Retreat is a comprehensive wellness program taught over three days that trains participants in the evidence-based SKY meditation practice, breathwork, yoga, social connection, and mindful leadership. SKY has been shown to significantly benefit six well-being outcomes – depression, stress, mental health, mindfulness, positive affect, and social connectedness compared to state-of-the-art well-being interventions*.
SKY Breath Meditation is a powerful tool to de-stress, energize the mind and body, helps one manage emotions effortlessly, and be more productive and happier in every aspect of life. In addition to a take home breathwork and meditation technique, participants discover how to connect with others and find a deeper purpose through engaging interpersonal exercises and service initiatives to increase self-esteem, social connection, positive relationships, practical soft skills, the mindset of responsibility, and skills for effective leadership.
Yale publication – http://tiny.cc/skyyalepublication
Press Release out of Yale – http://tiny.cc/skyyalepress
Press Release on the Harvard study – http://tiny.cc/skyharvardstudy
Short film on Yale study – https://youtu.be/Vlu3arLc0WE