Job Opportunities with U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Community Revitalization

Job Opportunities with U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Community Revitalization

US EPA’s Office of Community Revitalization is actively recruiting for new team member(s) that have experience working for and with community based and environmental justice organizations.

Do you want to help create more fair, just, and healthy neighborhoods that offer opportunity and address past inequities? Are you interested in working across the federal family to promote policy changes and land development practices that help communities mitigate and adapt to climate change, and advance economic growth and prosperity for all? Do you have experience working with, in, and for environmental justice communities to help build community capacity, increase opportunity through fair housing and transportation investments, and help residents achieve growth and development outcomes that align with their needs, values, and goals?

Then join us in EPA’s Office of Community Revitalization, where we partner with communities to help them shape land use and development patterns and investments in ways that expand economic opportunity, protect human health and the environment, and create and enhance the places that people love.

Position: Environmental Protection Specialist (Community Revitalization), GS-13

Salary: $102,663 to $ 133,465 per year (likely)

Eligible Applicants: Open to US Citizens and nationals

We are seeking individuals who will: develop others, learn from others, and model continuous learning; share information in a transparent, timely and effective manner; actively collaborate with colleagues across the division and office; cultivate strategic alliances with partners within and beyond EPA.

Responsibilities include leading multi-stakeholder, inter-office workgroups, technical assistance, policy analysis, outreach and communication. Successful candidates will have excellent interpersonal skills and have demonstrated experience in navigating complex relationships to build consensus. The specialist will demonstrate leadership skills and professional experience that enable them to draw connections between community revitalization (i.e., smart growth strategies), emerging policy innovations (community wealth building, anti-displacement strategies, social determinants of health, etc), environmental justice, and conventional disciplines of community and economic development, public finance, planning, public health, to support development of new technical assistance and research programs, and advance federal, state, and local policy actions that align with Administration priorities.

Desired Qualifications:

1. Experience working for community-based organizations to develop and implement policies, programs, or plans that increase equitable development and address local environmental and public health challenges, such as climate mitigation and adaptation, lack of affordable, energy efficient housing, and limited transportation options.

2. Knowledge of federal, state, and local laws, regulations, and polices related to community and economic development or smart growth.

3. Professional experience and relationships in equitable development, community revitalization, and smart growth.

4. Skill in cross-agency or multi-stakeholder coordination and community engagement.

5. Excellent interpersonal and communications skills, including the ability to translate technical concepts for non-technical audiences; and

6. Experience that would qualify for GS-13 position (minimum of 3 years related experience and education).


Interested: Please email Adhir Kackar, Acting Director, Federal, State Division, US EPA Office of Community Revitalization to learn more about this position.