DZL Fellowship – Internal deadline 12 noon Wednesday January 12, 2022

Please reference the information below as well as the attached documents for the 2022 – 23 Dolores Zohrab Liebmann Fellowship opportunity, which is open to all majors. Please share this announcement with your graduate students and faculty as appropriate. Internal Georgia Tech application packets are due to myself by 12pm Wednesday January 12, 2022.

The amount of the fellowship will cover the cost of tuition only (no mandatory student fees) and a stipend to be allocated towards living expenses and income taxes. The sponsor has set the stipend at $18,000 for the year.

  • Candidates must be U.S. citizens and must demonstrate financial need.
  • Application packets should be emailed as a single PDF attachment named “STUDENT LAST NAME, Student First Name_DZL_22.23”
  • Transcripts or letters of recommendation may be emailed to me separately.
  • The single PDF attachment should begin with the Application checklist, and appear in the order of the checklist.

Please note that, due to COVID, the application materials are accepted via email but some of the attached forms are still written as though everything must be printed.

Applications for a maximum of three students from Georgia Tech may be submitted for the Liebmann Fellowship. Georgia Tech applicants will be selected by way of an internal VPGEFD review process. The external deadline is  January 21, 2022.

DZL Conditions 2022-2023

DZL Printed Application 2022-2023

DZL Application checklist for Student 2022-2023

Architectural Engineering – Assistant Professor Search

Assistant Professor in Architectural Engineering/Building Sciences, Department of Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering, Worcester Polytechnic Institute

The Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering (CEAE) at Worcester Polytechnic Institute invites applications for a full-time, tenure-track faculty position at the assistant professor level in the broadly-defined area of Architectural Engineering/Building Sciences. The position requires an earned doctorate in Civil or Architectural Engineering or a related field. The successful candidate is expected to develop an externally-funded research program aligned with the department’s strategic vision, which includes an emphasis on design, construction, and operation of buildings and built environments in the context of changing climate, sustainability, and emerging technologies. The candidate is expected to have a broad understanding of the building sciences, including building physics. The ability to apply forefront tools to this field, including (but not limited to) data science and analytics, AI, AR, digital/automated fabrication and construction, and Smart World and systems engineering is preferred. Mentoring and support of research personnel, such as graduate students and postdoctoral researchers, is expected.

Candidates must be able to contribute to the department teaching mission in architectural engineering, which includes design for changing climate. We are particularly interested in candidates that can bridge engineering and architectural design within a project-based design studio setting. The successful candidate will also be expected to develop new courses in their area of expertise, advise students and student projects, and effectively serve the profession and the institution.

WPI is finishing a $17 million renovation of the department’s current building, and is completing a new academic building that will provide additional space for Smart World/Smart Infrastructure including advanced architectural engineering.

Worcester Polytechnic Institute was ranked first in the nation in the category of “Schools that do the Best in Combining Scholarly Research with Classroom Instruction” by the Wall Street Journal. WPI is consistently ranked among the top national universities, and in the top 50 most innovative universities, by US News and World Report. WPI is known for its project-based curriculum, affording students the opportunity to witness and help solve problems all over the world. Worcester is a growing center of scientific and technological innovation (housing eight colleges and universities) located about one hour west of Boston.

WPI is a highly selective, private technological university and one of the nation’s first. WPI believes that when great minds work together, great advances follow. Faculty, students, and other partners work collaboratively on the real-world projects and purpose-driven research that are hallmarks of the WPI experience. Our department and institute are committed to creating an inclusive workplace where everyone feels valued and respected; a place where every student, faculty and staff member can be themselves, irrespective of their race, class, gender, or sexual orientation, so that they can study, live, and work comfortably, to reach their full potential, and make meaningful contributions in order to meet departmental and institutional goals.  We recognize that the value of diversity lies not only in the social environment in which education takes place, but also in the content of the education itself.

Review of applications will commence Jan. 1, 2022.  We expect the position to be filled in time for a start in July of 2022. Interested candidates should submit an application consisting of the following required documents, which should be combined into a single pdf file and submitted through WPI’s online application platform:

1) Cover letter addressing alignment between the department’s and candidate’s interests/ vision

2) Curriculum Vitae

3) Statement of research plans

4) Statement of teaching experience and philosophy

5) Statement of diversity, equity and inclusion

6) List of at least three references with affiliation and full contact information

7) Candidates may include up to 3 representative research publications and/or a portfolio of creative and professional work, submitted as a single pdf document

Inquiries can be addressed to Carrick M. Eggleston, Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering, Worcester Polytechnic Institute;

WPI is an Equal Opportunity Employer. All qualified candidates will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, age, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, veteran status, or disability. We are seeking individuals with diverse backgrounds and experiences who will contribute to a culture of creativity and collaboration, inclusion, problem solving and change making.





Assistant Professor (AI) – Engineering School of Sustainable Infrastructure & Environment (ESSIE) at the University of Florida

Assistant Professor (AI) – Engineering School of Sustainable Infrastructure & Environment (ESSIE)


Job Description

The Engineering School of Sustainable Infrastructure and Environment (ESSIE) in the Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering (HWCOE) at the University of Florida (UF) invites applications for a nine-month, tenure-track Assistant Professor position with a focus on Digital Twin Platforms for Complex Built and Natural Systems. The incumbent will develop digital twin platforms or other computational decision-making tools (e.g., cyber-physical modeling and coupled modeling-experimental approaches) for engineering and environmental science applications in complex built and natural systems. The position will be housed in either the Department of Civil & Coastal Engineering (CCE) or Environmental Engineering Science (EES) within ESSIE. This position has an anticipated start date of August 2022.

UF and ESSIE are uniquely positioned to pioneer advanced “Digital Twins” capabilities in areas ranging from civil infrastructure systems (e.g., transportation, buildings, and utility systems) to natural and human-impacted ecosystems (e.g., ocean/atmosphere, coastal zone, and watershed systems). Measuring and simulating interactions among people, built environments, and natural systems is critical for improving our ability to understand, design, construct, and manage these complex systems. Research in this area is motivated by the interdisciplinary, global-scale challenges facing humanity in the next century (e.g., global climate change, population growth, resilience, social and racial inequity, and resource limitation). The ideal candidate will complement their work with expertise, or a strong record of collaboration, in one or more of the following areas: behavioral, political, and social sciences; human behavior simulation; ethical AI applications; user-system interactions; cognitive modeling; and human-in-the-loop systems. We are particularly interested in researchers who co-develop research and knowledge with the communities impacted by their work.

The University of Florida is the flagship campus of the State of Florida University System and is ranked as the #5 best public US university according to US News and World Report. UF recently announced a $70 million artificial intelligence partnership with NVIDIA to create an AI-centric data center that houses the world’s fastest AI supercomputer in higher education. Of particular relevance to this new faculty position, the HWCOE is creating the programmatic backbone to UF’s efforts to change the future of education and workforce development through university-wide AI training and experiential learning efforts.

Within the HWCOE, ESSIE is a vibrant, interdisciplinary, and highly collaborative environment, consistently ranked among the top departments for both graduate and undergraduate programs. It offers BS, MS, and PhD degree programs with an enrollment of ~700 full-time undergraduate students and over 300 graduate students, of which ~125 are PhD students. Currently, ESSIE has 47 tenured/tenure-track faculty, including 17 ASCE Fellows and 12 NSF CAREER award winners. The CCE and EES graduate and undergraduate programs are all ranked among the top 20 for public universities, and the departments lead several university-wide interdisciplinary institutes, including the Center for Coastal Solutions, the UF Transportation Institute, and the H.T. Odum Center for Wetlands. This hire will capitalize on existing strengths across UF, ESSIE, and the HWCOE and be strongly positioned to compete for funding across multiple federal programs.



Job Qualifications

The successful candidate must have (or be expecting) a PhD in Civil, Transportation, Coastal, or Environmental Engineering or a closely related field (including Earth system science or ecology) that includes a strong computer science, applied mathematics, or data science background. Successful candidates should have a strong interest in teaching and mentoring, contributing to existing courses, and developing innovative undergraduate and graduate curricula that encompass civil, coastal, and environmental engineering science disciplines. In addition, candidates should have a strong record or potential for interdisciplinary research and successful collaborative investigations in relevant disciplines, as demonstrated in their record of peer-reviewed publications and proposal development.



The search committee will begin reviewing applications immediately, with the first full committee screening occurring on January 10, 2022. All applications must be submitted through Interfolio at:  (Please see Job Requisition #85985). Complete applications must include the following files in PDF format: (1) cover letter (summary and introduction related to hiring emphasis areas and synergies with ESSIE); (2) a curriculum vitae; (3) a statement describing the applicant’s experience in enhancing diversity, equity and inclusion through research, teaching, or service, and vision for promoting a more inclusive experience at the University of Florida; (4) a research program vision statement detailing short- and long-term goals; (5) a teaching statement describing the applicant’s teaching experience and vision for developing a teaching program at the University of Florida; (6) up to three refereed journal or conference articles (co-)authored by the applicant; and (7) the names, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses of no less than three and up to five references. To be competitive, these materials should highlight how the applicant’s vision complements the overall mission of the department. The cover letter should be addressed to: Dr. David Kaplan, Search Committee Chair.

Questions about this position may be directed to Dr. David Kaplan,, Department of Environmental Engineering Sciences, University of Florida, 365 Weil Hall, P.O. Box 116580, Gainesville, FL 32611-6580.

Final candidate will be required to provide official transcript to the hiring department upon hire.  A transcript will not be considered “official” if a designation of “Issued to Student” is visible.  Degrees earned from an education institution outside of the United States are required to be evaluated by a professional credentialing service provider approved by National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES), which can be found at

The University of Florida is an equal opportunity institution dedicated to building a broadly diverse and inclusive faculty and staff.

The University of Florida is An Equal Employment Opportunity Institution. If an accommodation due to a disability is needed to apply for this position, please call 352/392-2477 or the Florida Relay System at 800/955-8771 (TDD). Hiring is contingent upon eligibility to work in the US. Searches are conducted in accordance with Florida’s Sunshine Law.