For those flying in:
When you disembark, you have two options:
- Take any northbound train on MARTA from Airport station to Midtown station, and walk a block or two to the hotel. This gives you a nice view of various parts of the city and is especially interesting to Transportation students.

- Or traverse through the World’s Busiest Airport, that we affectionately call the Hartsfield Latoya Jackson International Spaceport and Nail Emporium towards the Ride Share area to take an Uber to your hotel. This will mostly give you a view of the highway, but at least you won’t be dragging your luggage around.
Getting Back to the Hotel
- As you will see on the program, after the CEE Reception, the College of Engineering will have a reception at the GT Hotel and Conference Center.
If you choose to attend the COE reception, take the Gold Line Stinger to Tech Square. The GT Hotel is right across from the Barnes and Noble.
If you choose to go back to your hotel, take the Gold Line Stinger to the Midtown MARTA station. The Stinger drops you at the Peachtree Place side of the station. Travel through the bus depot to get to the other side, which is 10th street.
Please travel in groups. Atlanta is pretty safe but you’re still in the Midtown area of a big city.
For those driving in:
We will be meeting in the Dalney building at 926 Dalney St NW, Atlanta, GA 30332.
The closest parking lot is W22, Dalney Deck. Please visit this page for more information: