Danielle Lesperance Ramirez Summer hours: |
Contact Danielle if you:
Jerome Pondexter II Summer Hours: |
Contact Jerome if you:
*In some cases, we may need to refer you to different offices such as OIE, the Counseling Center, Dean of Students, Registrar or other CEE contacts.
The GSSO handles all these grad student matters and much more:
- Recruitment:
- for general questions, email gradinfo@ce.gatech.edu
- View the CEE Frequently Asked Questions
- Focus Program
- Annual Visitation Program
- BSMS Information Sessions
- Admissions:
- Advising:
- Email for an appointment with Jerome for MS or Danielle for PhD.
- International student support
- Initial I-20 requests (after admission and Grad Education verification)
- Approving I-20 requests for: Reduced Course Load, Program Extension, Change of Major, etc.
- Degree Tracking
- Be sure to consistently check your DegreeWorks page
- PhD students, make sure your “assignments” are uploaded on the Canvas page
- Thesis announcements
- Email your announcement to Danielle at least 14 days prior to your defense.
- Canvas page for PhD Students
- Upload your completed forms to the CEE PhD Path to Graduation
- Advise about:
- Communication through:
- GSSO Website
- Teams Channel
- Grad Email list (all registered grad students are added to the list every semester)
- Degree Requirements.Visit the GSSO website before you register.
- Graduate Events-Download the GSSO calendar
- Represent graduate student interests at the Graduate Curriculum Committee
- Onboarding
- Host Spring and Fall orientation
- Applying tuition waivers -You must be registered full time for 24 hours before your waiver will be reflected in your Bursar account.
- Host Spring and Fall orientation