CEEatGT Career Expo September 17th

Don’t forget to go ahead and register for the CEEatGT Career Expo on FridaySeptember 17, 2021 from 9 AM to 6PM. The expo will be virtual using the web-based platform and app, Career Fair Plus. Through Career Fair Plus, each company will have a profile and the opportunity to interact with CEE students one on one. These face to face interactions will allow you to discuss specific jobs, internships or simply network and meet companies.

 To begin, Download the Career Fair Plus App, Find the CEEatGT’s Career Expo and register today! I have included step by step instructions to get you started.

Graduate Student Convocation and Picnic Sept 1st

The Institute welcomes graduate students to campus with Graduate Student Convocation and Graduate SGA Fall Picnic. These events are open to all graduate students to attend.

What to expect

We will welcome new and current graduate students to campus at this hybrid event, as we share Georgia Tech’s traditions, academic standards, and provide students with spirit items.

For in person:

  • This is a general admission event. All new and current graduate students are welcome to attend.
  • Students are encouraged to arrive at least 15 minutes early.
  • Remember to bring your Buzz card.
  • Dress code for this event is causal.

For online viewers:

After the program, attendees are encouraged to attend the Graduate SGA Fall Picnic on Tech Green starting at 4:30 p.m.

RSVP here

Call for Abstracts-Twitter Conference

The Atlanta Pod of 500 Women Scientists invites graduate and early career female-identifying and non-binary scientists to present at the first annual Under the Peachtree Conference!

Abstract Submission Deadline: Sunday, September 12, 2021 (11:59 pm ET)

Twitter Conference Dates: October 21-22, 2021

The Atlanta 500 Women Scientists Pod invites Graduate and Early Career female identifying or non-binary scientists in the Atlanta metropolitan area to participate in our first annual Under the Peachtree Twitter Conference. This online conference will provide participants an opportunity to increase their digital profile and provide space for those who haven’t been able to attend in-person conferences over the last year to present their work. Presenters will be invited to present their work in an 8-12 tweet thread, for a 10 presentation with 10 minutes per presenter for audience questions (please see the Presenter Guide). Presentations can be original contributions or previously presented research (we welcome recycled posters – we’ll help you put it into Twitter conference format!). The presenting author must be a graduate or early career female identifying or non-binary scientist located in the Atlanta metropolitan area, co-authors do not need to be.

How does presenting at Under the Peachtree 2021 benefit ECR and graduate scientists?

  • Gain and practice skills in speaking to a broad audience

  • Receive training in using Twitter for science (we’re planning a pre-conference workshop for presenters in how best to use Twitter as a scientist!)

  • Engage in outreach in 2021

  •  Promote your research within your field and beyond!

To submit an abstract for consideration, please email your abstract (limit 250 words) and list of authors, with presenting author clearly identified, to atl500womensci@gmail.com with “Twitter Conference Abstract” in the subject line. Please direct any questions to Virginia Silvis and Meg Sosnowski at atl500womensci@gmail.com or @vsilvis_wx (Virginia) and @MegSosnowski (Meg) on Twitter.