Faculty position at Lafayette College

Lafayette College Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering

The Lafayette College Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering invites applications for a full-time, tenure-track Assistant Professor position in civil engineering systems with an emphasis in one or more of the following areas: infrastructure restoration and improvement, project delivery, construction, resilience, decision analysis, and engineering economics. The proposed position start date is July 2024. Candidates should have a Ph.D. in civil engineering, construction engineering, or a related discipline by July 1, 2024, and possess enthusiasm for teaching and the ability to communicate complex, technical concepts to students. The successful candidate will also demonstrate the potential to develop a research program that involves undergraduate students in meaningful research experiences and produces publications in peer-reviewed journals. Particular consideration will be given to candidates with relevant professional experience, professional engineering licensure, teaching experience, and/or experience conducting research with undergraduate students.

Applicants should submit a cover letter, a statement of teaching philosophy and interests, a statement of research interests, a curriculum vitae, and three letters of reference through Interfolio (http://apply.interfolio.com/129696). Application materials should demonstrate the applicant’s commitment to teaching engineering in an undergraduate, liberal arts environment and address how the applicant’s teaching, research, and/or service will support the Department’s and Lafayette’s commitment to diversity and inclusion. Review of applications will begin on September 15, 2023. However, applications will be accepted until the position is filled.

Questions about the position should be directed to Prof. Michael McGuire, Search Committee Chair, at mcguirem@lafayette.edu. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply.

Civil and Environmental Engineering Faculty Openings at the University of Waterloo

The following tenure track positions are now accepting applications (note: The two openings are in the same posting):

Faculty opening  in Resilient and Adaptive Environmental Engineering (Closes November 15, 2023)
From the linked posting:
“ The first position is in Systems Approaches for Sustainable Engineering, with a mission to advance environmental engineering solutions in water-energy-waste systems through the development and use of decision-making tools in support of achieving a sustainable planet. The desired candidate will be expected to draw upon advanced tools such as life cycle analysis (LCA), data science (machine learning and artificial intelligence), statistical and stochastic modelling, data driven methodologies, and risk analysis to develop optimal solutions that address societal challenges while considering technical feasibility, economic, social, public and environmental health outcomes

The second position is in Water Quality Engineering, with a mission to advance sustainable industrialization, the treatment and control of pollution, and the restoration of natural resources to safeguard the resilience of the natural world. This candidate will have demonstrated excellence in studying environmental engineering solutions to water quality problems. Expertise in either applied water chemistry or microbiology is required, and candidates are expected to apply advanced laboratory techniques to topics like water and wastewater treatment, contamination in surface, groundwater and soil, or remediation and restoration techniques”

Open Faculty Position in “Infrastructure Systems of the Future” at Rice University 

Please help to share the below ad for an open Faculty Position in the Rice University Civil and Environmental Engineering Department in the area of Infrastructure Systems of the Future.We seek candidates with deep foundational expertise in civil engineering and infrastructure systems to envision and enable resilient, adaptable, smart, just, and equitable infrastructure of the future. Candidates are expected to bring strong theoretical, analytical, or modeling expertise to bear on pressing challenges of legacy, contemporary, emerging and future civil infrastructure systems. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to: (1) complex systems modeling and the design of future intelligent infrastructure systems (e.g., power, water, gas, telecommunications) that are adaptable, controllable, and reconfigurable; (2) transportation systems, including sustainable mobility and the interdependence of energy and transportation; (3) coupled analysis of social and infrastructure systems, particularly in the pursuit of just and equitable infrastructure services as informed by human behavior; (4) design and management of climate adaptive, fire-resilient, nature-inspired, and risk-aware civil infrastructure systems, and (5) information processing systems, including applications of artificial intelligence and machine learning to infrastructure upkeep, adaptation, and re-invention.More details can be found here:apply.interfolio.com/132471

Kenneth Hyatt Distinguished Leadership Speaker series- Jose Bern

Please join us Thursday, October 19, 2023, at 11 a.m. in M1133 with our Distinguished Hyatt Leadership Speaker, Jose Bern, as he speaks on “ Lessons on Psychology in Leadership”. Follow the RSVP link below and mark your calendars. RSVP by Oct. 16th,2023, and a box lunch is provided with RSVP.  HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE!

Hyatt webpage https://ce.gatech.edu/hyatt