Clean Tech Innovation Competition – Sponsored by Strata Clean Energy

Innovation Competition Poster (2)

The Strata Clean Energy Innovation Competition is now open to accept applications! With the semester ending, the holiday break is a great time to work on your projects and compete to win up to $25K.

This competition challenges students and faculty from accredited colleges and universities across the Southeastern United States to develop scalable solutions for dual use solar farms that allow for the co-location of solar energy production and agriculture. Dual use solar farms, or agrivoltaics, is an emerging technology that can help in the following ways:

• Reduce competition for land• Provide climate-smart solutions to improving land productivity• Improve crop water-use efficiency, profitability, and economic resilience of agriculture.

Gather your teams and prepare your submissions for entry beginning October 17, 2022 at 12PM.

Strata is offering an award of up to $25k for final-stage solutions and technologies that have achieved proof of concept. Submissions will be accepted ONLY between October 17, 2022 at 12PM EST & February 21, 2023 at 4PM EST. Winners will be announced at the 2023 UNC Clean Tech Summit.

 Attached is a flyer that you can share with your students and potential faculty advisors who are interested in submitting an idea for the competition. If you have any questions about the competition or submitting a project, please feel free to reach out to me directly.

Postdoc Opportunity – NRC Research Associateship Programs – Please Share!

NRC Research Flyer

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine administers postdoctoral and senior research awards at participating federal laboratories and affiliated institutions at locations throughout the U.S and abroad.

 We are seeking highly qualified candidates who hold, or anticipate earning, a doctorate in a variety of fields of science or engineering. Degrees from foreign universities should be equivalent in training and research experience to a doctoral degree from a U.S. institution. Citizenship eligibility varies among the sponsoring laboratories.

 Application deadline dates (four annual review cycles):

  • February 1
  • May 1
  • August 1
  • November 1

Awardees have the opportunity to:

  • Conduct independent research in an area compatible with the interests of the sponsoring laboratory
  • Devote full-time effort to research and publication
  • Access the excellent and often unique facilities of the federal research enterprise
  • Collaborate with leading scientists and engineers at the sponsoring laboratories

Awardee benefits include:

  • Stipends ranging from $45,000 to $94,500; may be higher based on experience
  • Health insurance (including dental and vision), relocation benefits, and a professional travel allowance

For detailed program information, to search Research Opportunities, and to contact prospective Research Adviser(s) visit


California Department of Transportation is Hiring Civil Engineers

The Administration Subdivision is actively working to increase DES’s outreach to find individuals interested in engineering careers and joining the DES team.

Rat Creek_a11y

Upcoming Event: Engineer Rotation Program


Web Ex


Friday, 10/14/2022 10:00 – 11:30

 Engineers in Bridge Design, Structure Construction, Geotechnical Services, and Materials & Engineering Testing Services speak about the Rotation Program.

Event Registration

Support for Students Struggling with Global Challenges

Many nations – including our own – are currently confronted with significant challenges, conflicts, natural disasters, public health emergencies, and/or outright war.  As a global community, many students experience the impacts, in some cases deeply.  Georgia Tech is here to support students in need, no matter the reasons or circumstances that may be causing anxiety or distress. The following are the resources and services available for students: 

    • Hip Pocket Fund – The Dean Griffin Hip Pocket Fund offers interest-free emergency loans to students for academic or personal matters and is managed by the Dean of Students Office.  Students in need of financial support from the fund should contact the Dean of Students Office via the request assistance form
    • Advocacy & Assistance: If you are concerned about a student who may be in distress or believe that a student may need personal support, the Dean of Students Office accepts third party referralsfrom faculty and staff. In addition, DOS staff may assist students who need academic-related considerations, e.g., deadline extensions, missing classes, etc. Finally, DOS staff can also help connect students with on- and off-campuses resources and services as needed. 
    • Let’s Talk Program – Weekly informal consultations with mental health professionals are available.  This semester, virtual sessions are offered on Tuesdays and Wednesdays and students can register or walk-in for a support conversation. 
    • Satellite Counseling Program – Mental health professional staff have been embedded into Georgia Tech colleges and schools. They offer immediate and local access to the students within those majors and offer weekly walk-in availability to students needing an informal consultation. 
    • Faculty/staff consultation: Faculty or staff who may be concerned about a student in their course, a GTA/GRA, or other student employee may reach out for a consultation with a member of the CMHCR team to determine the best course of action and collaboratively determine how to best assist/support the student.