GSAC Presents: Future Faculty Round Table

Are you the primary care giver for your child as well as a grad student? Like all parents, juggling parenting with the rest of your life can be rough. For grad students, it can be even harder. You have to navigate your work, your courses, relationships with advisors, other students, and maybe try to get in a little fun for yourself! You are not alone.
Primary care-givers, please join GSAC’s Caregiver Club Alex Maxim, Katie Evans and several other parents (and expectant parents) in CEE as they discuss struggles, successes and just share laughter and fellowship. All genders are welcome!
Gathering will occur at 4pm on the third Thursday of the month, March 17th is the next one, being held virtually: https://bluejeans.com/145475465/1649
For questions, please feel free to email Alex Maxim (amaxim3@gatech.edu) or Katie Evans (kevans70@gatech.edu). If you would like to partake but cannot make the time, please let us know, we are flexible.
Grad CoffEE chats” is a graduate student-led initiative to improve the cross-specialization networking and collaboration amongst CEE graduate students. Every few weeks students are matched with peers from a different academic group to grab free coffee. Since its start in late Fall 2021, 40 students have participants have participated in “grad CoffEE chats” and had ~latte~ fun! This semester, there is also Third Thursday Breakfast Club’s for grad students to gather and meet peers.