Implicit Bias Training for Graduate Students March 31st

Implicit Bias Training for Graduate Students – March 31, 2022

“Implicit Bias” Training for Graduate Students

  • Thursday, March 31, 2022
  • 2  pm – 3 pm
  • Virtual (After registering, the viewing link will be sent via Outlook calendar invite.)

This workshop is geared toward graduate students, and the goal is to increase awareness of the impact of implicit bias and microaggressions on research lab and classroom environments.

This virtual interactive session is designed to teach participants the following:

  • Awareness of implicit bias and how these unconscious, automatic mental processes impact behaviors.
  • The impact of microaggressions on research lab and classroom environments.
  • Best practices for mitigating implicit bias and managing microaggressions.

*Space for the workshop is limited. Once capacity is reached, the webform will automatically close.*

Tia Jackson-Truitt, Ph.D., director at Institute Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, will facilitate the virtual workshop.

Sign up here:


Grad Appreciation Week

grad student appreciation


Event Links:

Blurb for social media and other communication outlets:

  • Are you a master’s or PhD student? Join the Grad Student Appreciation Week celebration April 4- 8! This year’s events include Monday Funday with free lunch, games, and King of Pops; a virtual trivia/social hosted by OMSCS; Grad Night at Russ Chandler Stadium; and the Three Minute Thesis competition returns live and in-person! Some events require registration. For all the details, visit



  • ALL WEEK LONG: Grad students receive 50% off ONE mobile order using the Tech Dining App

RUA Fall 2022 Conference: Celebrating the Whole Self

Attention:  Enrolled GT 4th/5th Ph.D. candidate or Post-doc in the areas of Mathematics, Physical and Environmental Sciences, and Engineering (MPESE)

I am one of the Georgia Tech Primary Investigators (PIs) for the NSF Alliances for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (AGEP) Research University Alliance (RUA) grant aimed at diversifying the professoriate of the future, focused on developing and operationalizing interventions to recruit, support, and advance postdocs from backgrounds historically underrepresented in academia in the Mathematics, Physical Sciences, Earth Sciences, and Engineering fields. The 9 institutions in this alliance are Berkeley, CalTech, Georgia Tech, Harvard, Michigan, Stanford, Texas, UCLA, and Washington, which together constitute over 27% of postdocs in these fields.

RUA Fall 2022 Conference: Celebrating the Whole Self

Date: September 12th and 13th, 2022

Location: CalTech

Participant Requirements:

–        Enrolled GT 4th/5th Ph.D. candidate or Post-doc in the areas of Mathematics, Physical and Environmental Sciences, and Engineering (MPESE)

 Goal: To create a vibrant, connected community of RUA grad students and postdocs and provide safe spaces to discuss and learn about tough topics facing underrepresented academics. 



  • Dealing with the URM tax
  • Being the only in your department
  • Building a support network, etc.
  • Managing service and outreach as faculty

If interested, please complete the interest survey by April 1st.


*Interested parties who meet the NSF AGEP population definition will be prioritized for full funding support to attend the conference (NSF AGEP eligible populations: African Americans, Hispanics, American Indians, Alaska Natives, and Native Hawaiians or other Pacific Islanders).