Three tenure track positions at Texas A&M University

The Zachry Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering is pleased to announce three open rank tenure-track faculty positions in the following broad areas:

  • Sustainable infrastructure materials;
  • Structural engineering & mechanics;
  • Water resources engineering.

Links to apply for any of these three positions may be found at Please share broadly and encourage your top PhD students and post-doctoral researchers to apply.

Faculty position in Geotechnical Engineering, U. at Buffalo

The Department of Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering (CSEE) at the University at Buffalo (UB) invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position in Geotechnical Engineering at the level of Assistant, Associate or Full Professor. Preference will be given to those applying for the Assistant or Associate Professor Level.  The research areas of primary interest include experimental geotechnical engineering, geotechnical hazards engineering, geothermal engineering, reservoir engineering and carbon sequestration, sustainable geo-infrastructure, and new frontiers in geotechnical engineering (e.g., bio-geotechnics, deep learning, data analytics). We seek candidates who can operate effectively in a diverse and collaborative community. Interdisciplinary scholarly work is encouraged. Details are provided in the following link:


Tenure-track Assistant Professors hiring – McGill University Civil Engineering

Faculty Positions McGill Univ Civil Engineering Nov 2022

The Department of Civil Engineering at McGill University has initiated the process to hire two tenure-track Assistant Professors, one in the area of Transportation Engineering, the other in Structural / Materials Engineering. Would you please distribute the attached advertisement to your colleagues and to any recent top ranked PhD graduates who aspire to a career in academia.

Recruitment of Tenure Track Professor of Transportation Engineering

We are recruiting for a tenure-track Assistant Professor in the field of Transportation Engineering.  We are currently accepting applications and will continue to accept and review applications until the position is filled.  I would appreciate your assistance by forwarding this email to any doctoral students in your department who are on track to finish their degree by July 2023.

The position announcement can be found at:

We are particularly interested in receiving applications from a diverse community – one that will reflect the diversity of our campus.