/ Professional Attire for LGBTQIA and Gender Non-Conforming Students

Professional Attire for LGBTQIA and Gender Non-Conforming Students

January 1, 1970
12:00 am - 12:00 am
Tuesday, September 7, 2021 – 17:30 to 18:30
Webinar (Online)
Summary Sentence: 
Join us to explore professional attire and how to navigate gender expression for transgender, nonbinary, and gender non-conforming people.
Career Center
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, GA  30332-0105
Phone:  404-894-3320
Fax:  404-894-7308
Email: careercenter@gatech.edu
Website:  http://www.career.gatech.edu

Join us to explore professional attire and how to navigate gender expression for transgender, nonbinary, and gender non-conforming people. This session will review levels of professional dress, conflicts that might arise between professional expectations and personal expression, preparing for career fairs and identifying workspace culture and resources for professional attire. 

Register to Attend at https://gatech.campuslabs.com/engage/event/7193186

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