/ Intercultural Understanding in Professional Contexts: Insights from Mind-Brain Sciences

Intercultural Understanding in Professional Contexts: Insights from Mind-Brain Sciences

January 1, 1970
12:00 am - 12:00 am
Wednesday, November 10, 2021 – 18:00 to 19:30
Clary Theatre, Bill Moore Student Success Center
Summary Sentence: 
Gain insights from mind-brain sciences (e.g. cognitive neuroscience, cultural psychology) as to how we can gain deeper forms of intercultural understanding.

Contact internationalplan@oie.gatech.edu with questions.

Come learn about culture from a scientific viewpoint you haven’t heard before with the Office of International Education and the Career Center! Working effectively, or even just living, in intercultural settings requires more than superficial or feel-good approaches to diversity and cultural difference. Fortunately, insights from mind-brain sciences (e.g. cognitive neuroscience, cultural psychology) is shedding light on how we can gain deeper forms of intercultural understanding.
