/ Humans vs Zombies Game Week

Humans vs Zombies Game Week

January 1, 1970
12:00 am - 12:00 am
Tuesday, March 8, 2022 – 07:00 to 16:00
Atlanta, GA
Summary Sentence: 
A yellow bandana, an empty marshmallow bag; there's only one thing to do…RUN.

A yellow bandana, an empty marshmallow bag; there’s only one thing to do…RUN.

Humans vs Zombies is a week long game of tag across campus. Players start out as humans or specially selected starting zombies. If a human is tagged by a zombie, they become one. Humans can stun zombies for a short time by hitting them with socks, marshmallows, or Nerf blasters. 

For updates and information on the game, join our Discord server. If you would like to join, please visit http://hvz.gatech.edu/

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