/ GVU Center Brown Bag: Jim McCann — What Do Knitting Machines Make?

GVU Center Brown Bag: Jim McCann — What Do Knitting Machines Make?

January 1, 1970
12:00 am - 12:00 am
Thursday, February 17, 2022 – 12:30 to 13:20
Via BlueJeans Event
Summary Sentence: 
This seminar will be a richly-illustrated, reasonably self-contained romp through the world of knitting design tools and representations.


Industrial knitting machines are used to fabricate many complex objects, including gloves, sweaters, layered cloth, and shaped fiber reinforcement for composites. But, fundamentally, what is it that knitting machines are actually making?

Well, in a topological sense, knitting machines don’t make anything at all. Any knit object, fresh off the machine, can be unraveled (continuously deformed) back into straight segments of yarn.

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