/ GVU Center Brown Bag: Exploring the Promise and Peril of Emotion AI

GVU Center Brown Bag: Exploring the Promise and Peril of Emotion AI

January 1, 1970
12:00 am - 12:00 am
Thursday, September 23, 2021 – 12:30 to 13:20
Via BlueJeans Event
Summary Sentence: 
This talk explores the promise and peril of emotion AI, designing for emotional meaning-making with data, imagining an affirmative biopolitics with data.


Emotion AI, which predicts psychological characteristics from data, offers potentially transformative benefits for societal well-being, productivity, and security. Drawing on increasingly available biodata–data about people’s bodies and behaviors, such as video, audio, or heart rate–emotion AI predicts emotions, stress, focus, and other characteristics. Emotion AI increasingly informs sensitive decisions in many varied contexts, from social media to online education, online job interviews, or security surveillance systems and criminal investigations.

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