/ GVU Center Brown Bag: Diansheng Guo — Mobility Data Analytics—Challenges, Methods, and Applications

GVU Center Brown Bag: Diansheng Guo — Mobility Data Analytics—Challenges, Methods, and Applications

January 1, 1970
12:00 am - 12:00 am
Thursday, April 14, 2022 – 12:30 to 13:20
Via BlueJeans Event
Summary Sentence: 
In this seminar, Diansheng Guo introduces a general overview, a set of methodologies, and real-world applications.


The analyses of mobility data are involved in a wide range of domains such as demography, public health, urban planning, transportation, business, and biology. Mobility data consists of a set of moving objects, each having a sequence of sampled locations as it moves across space and time.  In addition to a general overview of challenges for mobility analytics, this talk focuses on introducing a set of methodologies for mobility data mining, visualization, prediction, optimization, and their real-world applications.

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