/ FoodWell Alliance: Global Growers Day at Decatur Kitchen’s Garden

FoodWell Alliance: Global Growers Day at Decatur Kitchen’s Garden

January 1, 1970
12:00 am - 12:00 am
Saturday, March 12, 2022 – 10:00 to 12:00
Decatur's Kitchen Garden
Summary Sentence: 
Interested in hands-on volunteering? Looking to fight food insecurity? Volunteer for GT Campus Kitchen’s gleaning events!

Interested in hands-on volunteering? Looking to fight food insecurity? Volunteer for GT Campus Kitchen’s gleaning events! All transportation to the event is reimbursed!

Link to signup on February 26:  https://portal.goldenvolunteer.com/opportunities/LDBn6mMwz2

Link to signup on March 12: https://portal.goldenvolunteer.com/opportunities/3juNT1cUoq

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