/ Cornhole for a Cause

Cornhole for a Cause

January 1, 1970
12:00 am - 12:00 am
Sunday, October 24, 2021 – 13:00 to 17:00
Tech Green
Summary Sentence: 
You're invited to participate in the first-ever Cornhole for a Cause tournament presented by GT Circle of Sisterhood!

Maggie Meller

You’re invited to participate in the first-ever Cornhole for a Cause tournament presented by GT Circle of Sisterhood! This event will be held on Tech Green on October 24th in the afternoon. All you need is 2 people to form a team! Registration fees permits you to enter the tournament, win prize packs from Chick-fil-A, GT Athletics, Willy’s Mexican Grill, Tiff’s Treats, and more! Your team will also be competing for a personalized first-place trophy!

$12 per team ($15 day-of)
Event Categories: