Master of Science in Civil Engineering
Water Resources Engineering
Georgia Tech and CEE policy can be complicated but you should always refer to the CEE Handbook and the Georgia Tech Catalog.

- 21 of those credits must be at the 6000 level or above.
- 9 credits can be undergrad courses, but must be 4000 level only. They must be approved courses.
- A maximum of 3 credits of Pass/Fail courses can count towards your Master’s degree (with the exception of thesis credits).
Required Course:
CEE 8096 EFMWR Seminar
-The seminar must be taken twice.
-Please be advised that the Water seminar does not count towards your degree
Specialization Courses
CEE 6215 Coastal Structures
CEE 6221 Physical Hydrology
CEE 6222 Hydrometeorology
CEE 6231 Probability and Statistics for Civil and Environmental
CEE 6232 Stochastic Hydrology
CEE 6241 Water Resources Management I
CEE 6242 Water Resources Management II
CEE 6244 Random Fields and Geostatistics
CEE 6251 Fluid Mechanics CEE 6251 Fluid Mechanics Fall2022
CEE 6252 Advanced Fluid Mechanics
CEE 6261 Environmental Fluid Mechanics
CEE 6262 Advanced Environmental Fluid Mechanics
CEE 6263 Fluid Mechanics of Organism
CEE 6271 Flow and Transport through Porous Media I CEE 6271 Flow and Transport through Porous Media syllabus
CEE 6272 Flow and Transport through Porous Media II
CEE 6274 Flow and Transport in Heterogeneous Porous Media
CEE 6281 Open Channel Hydraulics
CEE 6282 Sediment Transport
CEE 6284 Hydraulic Transients in Fluid Systems
CEE 6293 Hydrodynamic Stability and Turbulence
CEE 6810 Linear Ocean Surface Wave Mechanics
CEE 6811 Nonlinear Ocean Surface Wave Mechanics
CEE 6821 Nearshore Hydrodynamics
CEE 6840 Coastal Sediment Transport
CEE 6842 Coastal Engineering Measurements
CEE/ME 7751 Computational Fluid Mechanics
CEE 4803 Water Resource Systems
CEE 4803 Storm Water Design
CEE 6210 Coastal Mechanics
CEE 6225 Coastal Engineering
CEE 8813 Coastal Hazards
CEE 8823/8824 Visual Arts &Geometry
Approved Electives-12 credits for each student
All electives must be approved by your faculty advisor prior to registering for the class.
All course offerings are subject to change.