Transportation Systems Engineering
Master of Science in Civil Engineering
Georgia Tech and CEE policy can be complicated but you should always refer to the CEE Handbook and the Georgia Tech Catalog.

- 24 of these credits must be at the 6000 level or above.
- 6 credits can be undergrad courses, but must be 4000 level only. They must be approved courses.
- A maximum of 3 credits of Pass/Fail courses can count towards your Master’s degree (with the exception of thesis credits).
- CSE-CEE in TSE? View requirements at the bottom of this page.
If your first semester is Fall 2024 or later:
Select one graduate course in Planning/Management/Policy
- CEE 6605 Transportation Administration and Policy Analysis
- CEE 6651 Infrastructure Systems
- CEE 6701 Urban Transportation Planning
Select one graduate course in Operations
- CEE 6603 Traffic Engineering
- CEE 6636 Traffic Flow Theory
- CEE 8813 Transportation Systems Analysis
Select one graduate course in Statistics/Analystics
- CEE 6601 Linear Statistical Models in Transportation
- ISYE 6501 Introduction to Analytics Modeling
- ISYE 6740 Computational Data Analysis: Learning, Mining and Computation
Select Intro to Research which also satisfies RCR Course Requirement (PhD students will also need to complete online training)
CEE 8097 Introduction to Transporation Research
Courses for remaining required specialization credits. All are approved to count towards elective requirement:
- CEE 4610 (3) Multimodal Transportation
- CEE 4620 (3) Environmental Impact Assessment
- CEE 4670 (3) Health in Transportation
- CEE 4803 (3) AI for Smart Cities
- CEE 4803 (3) Transportation Corridor Analysis
- CEE 4803 (3) Infrastructure System Management
- CEE 6601 (4) Linear Statistical Models in Transportation
- CEE 6603 (3) Traffic Engineering
- CEE 6605 (3) Transportation Admin and Policy Analysis
- CEE 6621 (3) GIS in Transportation
- CEE 6623 (3) Survey Design and Analysis
- CEE 6625 (3) Transportation, Energy, and Air Quality
- CEE 6636 (3) Traffic Flow Theory
- CEE 6650 (3) Discrete Choice Modeling
- CEE 6651 (3) Infrastructure Systems
- CEE 6652 (3) Infrastructure Management: IT Applications
- CEE 6701 (3) Urban Transportation Planning
- CEE 8813 (3) Airline Revenue Management
- CEE 8813 (3) Transportation Systems Analysis
- CEE 8813 (3) Transportation Network Modeling and Analysis
- CEE 8813 (3) Advanced AI for Smart Cities
- CEE 8813 (3) Data Analytics for Transportation Safety
- CEE 8813 (3) Freight Transportation Modeling
- ISYE 6501 (3) Introduction to Analytics Modeling
- ISYE 6740 (3) Computational Data Analysis: Learning, Mining and Computation
If you wish to take an elective that is not on this list, you will need approval from your faculty advisor or the group coordinator for TSE.
CSE-CEE students in Transportation must follow the guidance below:
Select one graduate course in Planning/Management/Policy
- CEE 6605 Transportation Administration and Policy Analysis
- CEE 6651 Infrastructure Systems
- CEE 6701 Urban Transportation Planning
Select one graduate course in Operations
- CEE 6603 Traffic Engineering
- CEE 6636 Traffic Flow Theory
- CEE 8813 Transportation Systems Analysis
Select Intro to Research which also satisfies RCR Course Requirement (PhD students will also need to complete online training)
CEE 8097 Introduction to Transportation Research