Three Open Positions at University of Idaho

The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Idaho is searching for three new faculty members, two tenure-track at the Assistant or Associate level, and one non-tenure track Professor of Practice:

Assistant or Associate Professor in Hydraulics

We are seeking candidates with interest in emerging areas and/or hydraulics topics of significant societal importance such as green hydropower, hydraulics of rivers and/or lentic systems, hydraulic structures, or some aspect of hydraulics that combines laboratory and computational approaches. Candidates will be encouraged to collaborate with the UI Center for Ecohydraulics (, a graduate education and research program dedicated to studying links between physical processes and aquatic ecosystems. The candidate will also have the opportunity to collaborate on the recently funded NSF EPSCoR project titled Idaho Community-engaged Resilience for Energy-Water Systems (I-CREWS,, which may be a source of start-up and/or continued funding for the right candidate.

Assistant or Associate Professor in Water-Environment

We are seeking candidates with teaching and research interests in emerging areas and/or topics of significant societal importance as related to civil engineering and the built environment, including but not limited to climate change and water/wastewater systems resiliency. Candidates with interest in for example water quality, water supply, floods/droughts, waste treatment, contaminant fate and transport, environmental applications of microbiology and biotechnology, resource reclamation/recovery, bio-based energy production systems, water-environment aspects of mining, groundwater systems or other areas with civil engineering importance to society are encouraged to apply.

Professor of Practice in Geotechnical Engineering

We are particularly interested in candidates with significant professional experience who can serve as a Professor of Practice. The successful candidate will be an outstanding and committed educator who can teach both undergraduate and graduate courses in geotechnical and geological engineering, as well as teach CEE “service” courses. These service courses may include First Year Engineering, Engineering Surveying, Engineering Graphics, Civil Engineering Analysis and Design, Senior Design, and general engineering courses such as Statics, Dynamics, and Mechanics of Materials. The CEE department is committed to quality education and has high expectations for teaching excellence. The candidate will have the opportunity to advise/mentor both undergraduate and graduate students, both academically and in student organizations such as ASCE. The ability to help manage civil engineering laboratories is a desired qualification.