After our first adviser-student selection in 2022, we are now requesting nominations for the Howard Hughes Medical Institute’s (HHMI) 2023 Gilliam Fellowships for Advanced Study via InfoReady. Please share this information with your graduate students and faculty as appropriate. The GT internal deadline is Sunday September 18, 2022 at 11:59pm.
Faculty and Administrators should use this form to submit nominations for adviser-student pairs who work in biomedical sciences, life sciences, or biological questions in related disciplines. This includes basic research on a variety of biological systems and at all scales including at the molecular, cellular, organismal, and ecological levels. GT will be allowed to nominate a total of 3 adviser-student pairs to HHMI and GT nominees will be chosen by way of an internal review process.
In brief, prospective student fellows must be:
- (i) U.S. citizens, U.S. permanent residents, undocumented childhood arrivals, or undocumented individuals who have been granted temporary permission to stay in the US (DACA),
- (ii) from populations excluded from and underrepresented in science because of ethnicity, race (Black or African American, Latinx or Hispanic American, American Indian, Native Hawaiian, Alaska Native, and from groups indigenous to the Pacific Island territories of the United States) or disability status (physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activity),
- (iii) in their second or third year of a PhD program, and/ or have at least two full years of study remaining, and have or will advance to candidacy by September 1, 2023.
If selected, there are commitments for both the thesis adviser and the student fellow. Further information can be found on InfoReady, in the email copied below and in the 2023 Gilliam Program Announcement.
Please distribute to any colleagues I may have missed and let me know if there are any questions.