PD TT Assistant Professor – Env Eng -CEE Department (08-05-24)
Month: August 2024
UKY Natural Hazards Position
UKY Natural Hazards Position Announcement
The University of Kentucky is leading a $20 million, 5-year National Science Foundation EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement: Track 1 (RII Track-1) project to build climate resilience in Kentucky (https://new.nsf.gov/news/nsf-announces-new-epscor-track-1-award-combat). As part of this transformational project, the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Kentucky seeks candidates for a tenure-eligible, 9-month appointment (Regular Title Series) faculty position at the assistant or associate professor level inĀ Natural Hazards Engineering, with a strong interdisciplinary background in geotechnical/geological engineering and engineering geology.
The department is especially interested in candidates with expertise in the use of terrestrial and space-based remote sensing tools for natural hazard characterization and analysis to improve community resilience to extreme meteorological events; expertise in modeling and analysis of the impacts of climate change on geohazards such as landslides, mudflows, and rockslides, and other hazards such as floods and wildfires, to identify and address risks to the built and natural environment; expertise in the application of artificial intelligence to the study and forecasting of climate-driven geologic processes and systems; and expertise encompassing field, laboratory, analytical, and numerical studies of geomaterials.
Attached is the announcement for the position. Please share this announcement with your graduating PhD students, post-docs, and junior faculty interested in doing transformational research and developing curriculum for the next generation of natural hazard professionals!