Structural Engineer Career Opportunities at Saiful Bouquet

Saiful Bouquet, a leading structural engineering firm in Southern California, is looking for full-time Engineers and summer interns. We believe that Georgia Tech students possess the skills and passion required for these roles and would greatly benefit from joining our innovative team.

About Saiful Bouquet: We are an award-winning structural engineering firm known for working on high-profile projects. As one of the largest firms in Southern California, our work is innovative and influential. We are currently looking for motivated Structural Engineers to help us continue pushing boundaries in our industry.

We are excited to reach out to Georgia Tech as we believe your students’ education and skills make them ideal candidates for these positions. If possible, we kindly request your assistance in sharing this opportunity with your student body by:

  1. Displaying the attached flyer on your notice board
  2. Forwarding this email to your student distribution list

We appreciate your support in connecting us with talented individuals who can contribute to our dynamic work environment. To learn more about our firm and job openings, please visit our website Interested candidates can apply directly through our online portal.

Thank you for your consideration, and if you have any questions or require additional information, please feel free to contact us atĀ