CoE DEI Habitat Brush with Kindness – register by Feb 17

I am pleased to invite you all to participate in a CoE DEI Council-sponsored Habitat for Humanity Brush with Kindness event to be held Feb 24, details attached.

Please register by Feb 17. If you have any questions, let me know and feel free to forward this invitation to others that may be interested in participating.


Caltech’s Mechanical and Civil Engineering Department invites applications for the Cecil and Sally Drinkward Postdoctoral Fellowship. We are seeking candidates with research interests within the broad fields of mechanical engineering and civil engineering. In particular, we encourage applicants who would complement and expand existing research strengths within the department. More information about the position can be found here:

While the review of applications will begin on February 20th, applications received after that date may also be fully considered until the position is filled

Physics Assistant Professor Position at GGC

Georgia Gwinnett College currently has an opening position for a Physics Assistant Professor at GGC. 

Can you please forward this email to your PhD students who are close to finishing their PhD and will earn their degree before August 1, 2024, or Post Doc Students . The required qualifications are:

A PhD in Physics, Engineering or a closely related field, on or before the start date of the semester and a minimum of 18 graduate credit hours within the discipline. Below is the job description for Assistant Professor faculty position in the Physics and Pre-Engineering Department:

EPA Job Posting: Hydrologic Watershed and Water Quality Modeler, Atlanta, GA

The US EPA, Region 4 Water Division’s Water Quality Standards and Modeling Section in Atlanta, GA is hiring a GS 11/12 Interdisciplinary Engineer/Scientist role, with applications being accepted on USAJOBS starting on Monday, January 8th, 2023 thru Friday, January 19th, 2023. Note that the role is interdisciplinary and open to candidates who meet qualifications as environmental engineers, life scientists, or physical scientists. The role is to serve as a modeling expert using watershed and water quality computer models and to evaluate model scenarios to recommend pollution load reductions to restore water quality.

Applicants can apply via the USAJOBS website using the following link:

Some duties for this role include:

  • Applying hydrologic scientific principles and watershed models in surface waters and/or applying general water quality principles and water quality models in surface waters;
  • Provide advice and recommendations to decision makers in controversial and/or precedent-setting situations regarding water quality restoration;
  • Confer with senior modeler and regional staff to develop statistically and mathematically defensible solutions for complex projects that are acceptable to internal and external stakeholders.

Thank you and please circulate this note widely to qualified candidates who may be interested.