SOM Foundation Structural Engineering Fellowship – Request for Student Candidates

In early January, the SOM Foundation will launch the call for submissions for the 2024 Structural Engineering Fellowship. This $20,000 fellowship is awarded annually to a graduating student based in the United States who specializes in structural engineering to conduct independent travel and research that contributes to a topic area, which this year is Adapting Housing Strategies to Respond to New Realities.

This prestigious fellowship has been given annually since 1998 and has been awarded to some of the most creative engineers from diverse university backgrounds, many of whom have gone on to make significant contributions to the profession. A list of past winners is available here.

Applicants must be graduating with a bachelor’s degree, master’s degree, or PhD in civil and environmental engineering or architectural engineering with a specialization in structural engineering from a professionally accredited degree program in the United States. US citizenship is not required. Applicants must intend to enter the professional practice of structural engineering. 

While any student who meets the criteria may apply, we are contacting you before the open call is announced so that you may nominate your most promising students—those you believe deserve special recognition and the opportunity to broaden their education by traveling with an itinerary they have developed according to their academic interests. 

At this point, we ask for you to please reply to this message with names and email addresses for your student nominations, and we will follow up directly with them, encouraging them to apply and letting them know that they have been nominated by you to do so. A maximum of two nominees per department are allowed. 

More details about the fellowship and application requirements can be found on the SOM Foundation website here: Applications will be accepted once the announcement is made in January and the deadline to apply is Friday, March 15, 2024. Please provide the names and emails of one or two student nominees by February 1, 2024.

In addition, a poster about this opportunity is attached; kindly share with students and/or forward it along to administrative colleagues as needed.

This year’s jury will be led by Alessandro Beghini, Senior Associate Principal at SOM, San Francisco. A full list of jurors will be announced in January. Alessandro is cc’ed on this email, as well as SOM Foundation Executive Director, Iker Gil; we are happy to answer questions you may have.

Tenure-Track Faulty Opening in Water Resources / Environmental Engineering at California State University, Long Beach

The Civil Engineering and Construction Engineering Management Department at California State University, Long Beach (CSULB) has a tenure-track faculty opening in Civil Engineering (Water Resources / Environmental) to start in Fall 2024. Review of applications is to begin January 22, 2024. The link below includes a position description and application instructions.

California State University, Long Beach is committed to maintaining an inclusive and equitable community that values diversity and fosters mutual respect. We embrace our community differences in Age, disability (physical and mental), Gender (or sex), Gender Identity (including nonbinary and transgender), Gender Expression, Genetic Information, Marital Status, Medical Condition, Nationality, Race or Ethnicity (including color, caste, or ancestry), Religion (or religious creed), Sexual Orientation, Veteran or Military Status. CSULB is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Civil/Construction Engineering open-rank faculty position

the Department of Engineering and Technology at Southern Utah University has an open-rank tenure-track or non-tenure-track faculty position available in civil engineering and/or construction management beginning in August 2024.

We are seeking candidates with either a master’s degree (for non-tenure-track) or PhD (for tenure-track) in civil engineering, construction management, or a closely related field. Candidates completing their degree within one year would also be considered.

As the main duties would involve teaching undergraduate courses in the programs, this position may be of interest to your graduate students looking for faculty roles focused on undergraduate education.

The full position description, which outlines the responsibilities, qualifications, and application materials is available at

Continuing Track Assistant Professor: Structural Engineering-Univ Delaware

The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Delaware is conducting a search for an Assistant Professor continuing track (CT) with a focus on structural engineering. We hope the candidate will be able to start in August 2024.

CT is UD’s full-time, continuing faculty line, similar to the tenure track. CT faculty enjoy contracts that increase in length over time and, like tenure-track faculty, receive full and generous benefits, including family-friendly benefits, as part of their compensation package. CT faculty with terminal degrees hold professorial rank and have a path to promotion up to full professor. All CT faculty earn sabbaticals, have opportunities to pursue research, participate in shared governance, and hold academic leadership positions.  Additional details on CT faculty positions at UD can be found at:….

The full position announcement is located at