The Civil Engineering Program at Saint Louis University invites applications for an open-rank faculty position in the area of transportation engineering with an anticipated start date of August 1, 2024.
Month: October 2023
UC Davis: Faculty Position Application in Environmental Engineering
I’m excited to share that UC Davis will be hiring a new faculty member focused on Environmental Engineering, with a focus on the resiliency of water systems across multiple hazards, which can include drought, population growth, wildfires, power supply disruptions, social inequities, and climate change. Research themes of special interest include but are not limited to: water treatment and distribution; wastewater collection, treatment, and disposal; and water recycling and reuse.
The hire will be at the Assistant Professor level and more details can be found here:
I would appreciate it if you would share this with senior graduate students and postdocs in your program who might have interest.
We are additionally hiring two other faculty at the Assistant Professor level. One of these positions is in Water Resources Engineering with a focus on systems engineering methods for water resources planning and management. The other is for a Professor of Teaching position and we are looking for candidates who have a particular passion for engineering education alongside strengths in the fundamentals of civil and environmental engineering. Details for both these positions are available at the same link:
Tenure track Environmental Engineering position at the Univ. of Vermont
The Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering at the University of Vermont (UVM) invites applications for a tenure track faculty position in Environmental Engineering at the assistant professor level. I would greatly appreciate your forwarding this announcement to outstanding applicants and encouraging them to apply. Review of applications will begin December 1, 2023, and continue until the position is filled.
We invite applicants who work at the frontiers of Environmental Engineering and can complement existing research expertise within the Department, the College of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences, and the University. We seek candidates with research and teaching interests in environmental engineering, that are not limited to, but may include one or more of: water and wastewater treatment, environmental epidemiology, renewable energy, air quality, climate change mitigation and resilience, environmental lifecycle assessment, and environmental impacts of transportation systems.
The candidate will be expected to maintain an active program of externally-funded research and contribute to two separate ABET-accredited undergraduate education programs (Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering) as well as teach M.S. and Ph.D. graduate courses in their area of expertise. Applicants should have the ability to pursue an independent research program, collaborate across disciplinary boundaries, and have strong commitment to graduate and undergraduate mentoring. In addition, applicants should hold a PhD or be near completion of a doctoral program, and at least one of their degrees should be in Civil and/or Environmental Engineering or a closely related field.
The University is located in Burlington, Vermont, often rated as the best small city in America for quality of life, featuring year-round outdoor recreation and cultural events. Greater Burlington has a population of approximately 150,000 and enjoys a panoramic setting on Lake Champlain, bordered by the Adirondack and Green Mountains. The City of Burlington is one of the most environmentally progressive cities in the nation, with 100% of residential energy from renewable sources. Burlington was named the #2 “great place to live in America” by Kiplinger’s and Vermont was ranked the “Healthiest State in the USA” in 2019 by the United Health Foundation.
The University of Vermont is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer. Applications from women, veterans, individuals with disabilities and people from diverse racial, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds are encouraged. The University is especially interested in candidates who can support a culture of excellence at UVM, as articulated in Amplifying Our Impact that is diverse and inclusive as envisioned in Our Common Ground.
Full advertisement and the application process are available here: Tenure-track Environmental Engineering @ U. of Vermont.
Structures Position at University of Maryland
The University of Maryland’s Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and the Department of Mechanical Engineering seeks applicants for a joint appointment in a tenure-track Associate Professor level position. Priority will be given to candidates with primary interests in one or more of the following areas: Computational Mechanics, Structural Health Monitoring, Railway Infrastructures and safety (rail tracks, rail cars, risk assessment), Computational intelligence, and metamaterials. Background in applying Quantum Computing and Systems to engineering system simulation is desirable, although not required. Exceptional candidates with expertise outside the abovementioned areas are also welcome to apply.
The successful candidate will teach structures related courses as part of the appointment. Ideal applicants will also have experience or demonstrated interest in community engagement, equity, and/or social justice through their research and teaching activities.
The successful candidate for this position will benefit from the resources, support, and multidisciplinary research environment fostered by interdisciplinary centers in high performance computing, quantum computing and quantum information areas at the University of Maryland (UMD).
Candidates from groups traditionally underrepresented in engineering are strongly encouraged to apply. Candidate should be committed to high-quality teaching for a diverse student body and to assisting our departments in enhancing diversity.
Please refer candidates to this site for more details: