CO-OP Opportunity at MARTA Research and Analysis

The Office of Strategic Performance and Data Management in the Research and Analysis department at MARTA is hiring two Co-Op positions for spring 2024. We are currently accepting applications and will begin our review shortly. Our mission is to turn data into information to help MARTA make better decisions. Our team is a motivated group with varied backgrounds and experiences. We value the contributions that multi-disciplinary perspectives and critical thinking bring to our team!

Interested students should direct applications and questions to me (

Computer Science/Engineering/AI Dissertation Award Opportunities – Internal Deadline October 13

Upcoming limited submission dissertation awards: submissions from Schools/Departments due October 13

ACM Doctoral Dissertation Award – October 31, 2023; internal deadline October 13


  • Dissertations finalized/accepted between October 1, 2022 and September 30, 2023.
  • Nomination must come from the advisor.

Required Materials (see website for more details):

  1. Suggested citation if the candidate is selected. This should be a concise statement (maximum of 25 words) describing the key technical or professional accomplishment for which the candidate merits this award.
  2. Nomination statement (200-300 words in length) addressing why the candidate should receive this award. This should address the significance of the dissertation, not simply repeat the information in the abstract.
  3. Copy of the dissertation.
  4. Endorsement letters. The nomination must include an endorsement letter from the department head. In addition, at least 3, and not more than 5, supporting letters should be included from experts in the field who can provide additional insights or evidence of the dissertation’s impact. (The nominator/advisor may not write a letter of support.)

Internal submission (GT is limited to 2 nominations):

  • Send a maximum of 2 nominations per School/Department to and by Friday, October 13. Schools/Departments must coordinate in advance of this date to ensure no more than 2 nominations are forwarded by this date. (CoC units: expect to be asked to submit nominations to your School 1-2 weeks in advance of October 13.)
  • Please submit near-complete versions of required materials #1-4, except for #4 (endorsement letters): you may submit only the names of expected external references (external letters needed for the solicitation are not required for the internal submission).

AAAI/ACM SIGAI Doctoral Dissertation Award – November 17, 2023; internal deadline October 13


  • Dissertations defended, but not necessarily finalized, between October 1, 2022 and September 30, 2023.
  • Nomination must come from the advisor, who must be an ACM SIGAI member and/or AAAI member.

Required Materials (see website for more details):

  1. The names, affiliations, and contact information of the nominator and the candidate.
  2. A nomination statement (200-300 words in length) that explains why the candidate should receive this award and addresses the significance of the dissertation. This should not simply repeat the information in the abstract.
  3. A letter of endorsement from the department head (or dean), which also certifies that this is the only nomination being made from that institution.
  4. Supporting letters (not less than two and not more than three) from experts in the field who can speak to the impact of the dissertation.
  5. An electronic copy of the submitted dissertation.

Internal submission (GT is limited to 1 nomination):

  • Send a maximum of 1 nomination per School/Department to and by Friday, October 13. Schools/Departments must coordinate in advance of this date to ensure no more than 1 nomination is forwarded by this date. (CoC units: expect to be asked to submit nominations to your School 1-2 weeks in advance of October 13.)
  • Please submit near-complete versions of required materials #1-2 and #4-5, except that for #4 (supporting letters), you may submit only the names of expected external references (external letters needed for the solicitation are not required for the internal submission).

Environmental Engineering Tenure Track Position at Missouri S&T 

Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering at Missouri S&T invites applications for a tenure-track position at the assistant professor level in the area of Environmental Engineering.

Applicants should demonstrate potential for high-quality research in any area of scholarship in Environmental Engineering; areas complementing existing strengths and therefore of particular interest are sustainable systems and processes, biological processes, or environmental microbiology. The capacity to teach at the graduate level in one of these areas is particularly welcome. 

The successful candidate will be expected to supervise graduate students and will have the opportunity to collaborate with members of various campus research centers and signature areas, notably the Center for Research in Energy and Environment ( and the Materials Research Center (

Missouri S&T’s CArEE Department, with 19 tenured/tenure-track faculty and 25 total faculty, positively impacts society through ground-breaking research and high-quality graduate and undergraduate education spanning a legacy of over 150 years. The department’s research awards exceeded $9.4M in FY24 with substantial growth over the past 5 years. The department has over 750 students across the three-degree programs. 
The department enjoys strong support from alumni and corporate partners with seven endowed professorships. Recent fundraising resulted in a $7.5-million expansion of Butler-Carlton Civil Engineering Hall for the Clayco-Advanced Construction and Materials Laboratory, which opened in 2021.
The CArEE department and programs are highly ranked in U.S. NewsNY TimesWall Street Journal, and in the World University Rankings (Shanghai rankings). 

See full position description and apply.

For questions contact the search committee chair, Dr. Mark Fitch at or contact me at

Teaching Faculty Position in Structural Engineering at George Washington University

The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at The George Washington University (GW) is accepting applications for a non-tenure track full-time teaching faculty position, beginning Fall 2024. The appointment will be made at the Assistant/Associate/Full Teaching Professor (or Professor of Practice) rank depending on the candidate’s experience.  The Department is seeking outstanding candidates with expertise in structural engineering/mechanics who can teach courses in structural mechanics, structural analysis, and structural design.

More details about the position can be found here.  I would very much appreciate it if you could forward this information to individuals that may have interest in the position.