
Teams for Tech – Make an Impact | Leave a Legacy

Come pitch your ideas to improve Georgia Tech at the Impact-a-Thon for a chance to receive funding & coaching for one year and make a lasting impact on-campus!

The Impact-a-thon is open to all Georgia Tech students (both undergrad and grad) across all major/programs. Both technical and non-technical students are encouraged to participate, as the competition is more on the ideation process than prototyping itself. Students can register either individually or as a team by filling out the brief form at

Interested in applying to the Impact-A-Thon?

We are accepting applications now. Submission deadline is Friday, September 29th at 11:59pm

Two Faculty positions in CEE at University of Michigan

The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) at the University of Michigan is excited to announce two open faculty positions at the rank of Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor. These positions are part of our continued strategic expansion and reflect our commitment to expanding our research and educational frontiers in the areas of Intelligent Systems and Sustainable & Resilient Materials.

Faculty Position in Intelligent Systems:
We are looking for a passionate and dedicated individual who will focus on system-level techniques common to cyber-physical technologies. Candidates are expected to conduct research in artificial intelligence, data science, control theory, signal processing, sensing, and information theory, amongst others. Applications must be received by November 17, 2023 for full consideration.

Faculty Position in Sustainable & Resilient Materials: 
The Department is keen to recruit individuals who can advance our research in theory, fabrication, simulation, characterization, and experimental testing of materials for infrastructure applications. We encourage candidates with an interest in these topics related to both sustainable and resilient materials including carbon capture, recycling of infrastructure materials, high-strength materials and more. The review of applications will begin on December 1, 2023 and will continue until the positions are filled.

Successful candidates will have a strong commitment to teaching and interdisciplinary research. We highly value diversity and are committed to creating an inclusive and equitable environment for all faculty, staff, and students. U-M is responsive to the needs of dual-career families and is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.

For a complete position description, thorough details and instructions on how to apply, please visit our faculty search webpage

We appreciate your interest in the University of Michigan CEE and look forward to reviewing your application.

Open faculty positions at Princeton University

I would like to share with you the news that the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Princeton University has two open faculty positions, primarily focusing but not limited to the areas of Computational Mechanics, Infrastructural Systems, Robotics in CE, Architected and Multifunctional Materials, and Advanced Manufacturing and Construction.

If you or your colleagues are aware of outstanding candidates whose research is in the above listed fields, and who have a tangible record of excellence in research and leadership, please forward this message to them and encourage them to apply. We will start reviewing the applications on November 15, 2023.

The link with the full job description and application guidelines is provided below.

Thank you in advance for your help!

Faculty position at Lafayette College

Lafayette College Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering

The Lafayette College Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering invites applications for a full-time, tenure-track Assistant Professor position in civil engineering systems with an emphasis in one or more of the following areas: infrastructure restoration and improvement, project delivery, construction, resilience, decision analysis, and engineering economics. The proposed position start date is July 2024. Candidates should have a Ph.D. in civil engineering, construction engineering, or a related discipline by July 1, 2024, and possess enthusiasm for teaching and the ability to communicate complex, technical concepts to students. The successful candidate will also demonstrate the potential to develop a research program that involves undergraduate students in meaningful research experiences and produces publications in peer-reviewed journals. Particular consideration will be given to candidates with relevant professional experience, professional engineering licensure, teaching experience, and/or experience conducting research with undergraduate students.

Applicants should submit a cover letter, a statement of teaching philosophy and interests, a statement of research interests, a curriculum vitae, and three letters of reference through Interfolio ( Application materials should demonstrate the applicant’s commitment to teaching engineering in an undergraduate, liberal arts environment and address how the applicant’s teaching, research, and/or service will support the Department’s and Lafayette’s commitment to diversity and inclusion. Review of applications will begin on September 15, 2023. However, applications will be accepted until the position is filled.

Questions about the position should be directed to Prof. Michael McGuire, Search Committee Chair, at All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply.