2023 Diversity Symposium

15th Annual Diversity Symposium
“This Land before Georgia Tech:
Exploration of Indigenous Histories and Knowledge”

Wednesday, September 20, 2023 | 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Georgia Tech Global Learning Center | Room 236

Join Georgia Tech community members participating in the 15th annual Diversity Symposium hosted by Institute Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. This year’s symposium will explore indigenous histories and knowledge of the land we live and work on today. The symposium, spanning multiple enlightening sessions, will bring together leaders, scholars, and activists to honor the rich tapestry of indigenous cultures and wisdom, and foster a future built on shared understanding and collaboration.

Speakers and session descriptions are being announced throughout the coming weeks with several already announced, but we encourage you to add the event to your calendar and subscribe to our newsletter so you will be among the first to know when more information becomes available.

Register Now

Job Board 07/24-07/28

Assistant/Associate/Full Professor positions – Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Tenure-track and tenured positions at the Assistant/Associate/Full Professor levels

Howard University

College of Engineering and Architecture

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

The College of Engineering and Architecture at Howard University is entering an exciting, new phase of transformation and is in the process of hiring open-rank faculty. The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering invites applications for tenure-track and tenured positions at the Assistant/Associate/Full Professor levels to begin in January 2024 in Environmental, Geotechnical, and Structural Engineering. Candidates are sought with expertise in emerging and transformative areas of civil engineering, who also have interests in independent and collaborative research on the following areas:

Environmental Engineering: Potential areas of research interest include but are not limited to Water Treatment and Reuse; Wastewater Treatment and Resource Recovery; Air Quality and Atmospheric Modeling; Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change, Urban Water Sustainability, Resilient Environmental Infrastructure; Food-Energy-Water Nexus.

Geotechnical Engineering: Potential areas of research interest include but are not limited to Sustainable Geo-Infrastructure, Environmental Geotechnics, Bio-Geotechnics, Geotechnical Hazards Engineering, Geotechnical Flood Protection Systems, Geotechnical Impacts of Climate Change, Sustainable Energy and Carbon Sequestration, and other New Frontiers in Geotechnical Engineering.

Structural Engineering: Potential areas of research interest include but are not limited to Prestressed/Post-Tensioned Concrete Bridges and Buildings. Infrastructure Resilience, Innovations in the Built Environment in Response to Natural and Man-Made Hazards and Impact of Climate Change. Performance-Based Structural Engineering and Design. Evaluation of Structural Behavior under Natural Hazards Events Including Windstorms, Tornadoes and Hurricanes.

Transportation Engineering: Highway Design, Traffic Operations and Safety, Intelligent Transportation Systems, Transportation Planning, Traffic Modeling and Simulation, Crash Data Analysis, Construction Project Management, and Transportation Planning.

View link above for more information.

The direct link to the position on OSU Jobs is: BAE_WaterManagement_req15987

Nature of Position: This position is an 11-month,tenure-track appointment in Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering (BAE), with Research (60%) and Extension (40%) responsibilities in rural and urban hydrology and water management and is expected to begin on or before June 30th, 2024.

The faculty member will be expected to develop and sustain a nationally recognized, externally funded, and responsive Extension and applied research program working at the interface of rural and urban water systems, designing control measures for sustainable water management, including transport, treatment, and use. Areas of research may include runoff, surface and groundwater flow, climate adaptation (e.g. flood mitigation, drought management) that supports agriculture and food operations as well as urban agriculture ventures and urban development initiatives. Other areas of research emphasis can include ecological restoration and protection (e.g. wildlife habitats).

This faculty member will provide education, training, and support for state, area, and county educators, and relevant stakeholders. Technology transfer and dissemination will be pertinent to defining a high impact Extension program to address water security challenges in rural and urban communities. Scholarship through traditional and progressive outreach methods, external grants/contracts, peer-reviewed publications, and other forms of scholarly effort is expected.
The incumbent will work closely with other Extension specialists and educators, municipalities, agri-business professionals, and industry and community stakeholders. It is anticipated that this position will intersect with structural hydrology, ecology, and biogeochemistry, and focus on interdisciplinary approaches to water resource systems to provide innovative solutions that meet water needs in rural, forestry, and urban environments.

This position is in the BAE department and affiliated with the OK Water Resources Center to provide research, training and technological assistance to Oklahoma constituents and other stakeholders. Close collaboration is also expected with faculty in BAE and other departments in the Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources and the College of Engineering, Architecture & Technology, partners in the Oklahoma Mesonet, municipalities, and state and federal agencies. Collaboration with Extension professionals in the state and region is expected.

Qualifications: Required: Earned PhD degree in Biosystems Engineering, Agricultural Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering, or a closely related discipline. Demonstrated ability to attract external funding, publish peer- reviewed materials, and provide instruction to a wide variety of audiences. Candidates must be proficient in English, possessing effective verbal, written, and multimedia communication skills. Willingness to travel and a demonstrated ability to work collaboratively on interdisciplinary teams.

Preferred: Previous Extension experience. Current, or the ability to obtain, Professional Engineering registration.

Conditions: Full-time, 11-month, tenure-track appointment at the title of Assistant Professor. Salary will be commensurate with qualifications. This position is contingent on the availability of funding.

Application Process: Application packets should contain the following documents: a cover letter (2-page max), current CV, statement of research interests (2-page max), Extension program vision (2-page max), collegiate transcripts, and a list of at least four professional references with contact information. To view the full job ad and apply, applications must be submitted online at: https://jobs.okstate.edu and search for req15987. To learn more about the department visit: bae.okstate.edu.

Inquiries or questions only regarding this position may be directed to Dr. Mari Chinn, Professor and Head (mari.chinn@okstate.edu) or Dr. Randy Taylor, Search Committee Chair, (randy.taylor@okstate.edu) at (405) 744-5431.

Application Deadline: Screening of applications will begin August 14, 2023; and accepted until position is filled.