Transportation Equity Education – Study Invitation

We are reaching out to request your participation in a brief survey regarding Transportation Equity Education in urban planning and engineering programs across the U.S. The goal of the survey is to understand and document notable practices of curriculum development and interdisciplinary training related to transportation equity in engineering and planning schools/programs across the U.S. The research is sponsored by the USDOT through the STRIDE University Transportation Center and emphasizes promoting transportation equity through curriculum interventions. The aim of this project is to use the existing body of knowledge (including toolkits and measures centering on transportation equity) to develop educational materials for transportation engineering and planning graduate programs across the U.S.  

 The research team will use Qualtrics to conduct the survey. There are no risks or discomforts anticipated and all of your answers will remain confidential. The survey will take 3 to 5 minutes to complete and your participation is voluntary. You are free to withdraw your consent and to stop participating in this study at any time. If you do withdraw your consent, you will not be penalized in any way and you will not lose any benefits to which you are entitled. If you have any questions regarding your rights as a research participant, please contact Dr. Mehri M. Mohebbi at (Principal Investigator) or the UF IRB-02 office at 352-392-0433.  

By clicking on the link below, you give your consent to participate in the survey. It also means that you have been informed about this study’s purpose, procedures, possible benefits, and risks; the alternatives to being in the study; and how your privacy will be protected: 

 Thank you very much for sharing your valuable insights.  

 Mehri M. Mohebbi, Ph.D. (Transportation Equity Program Director, University of Florida) 

Virginia P. Sisiopiku, Ph.D., FITE (Professor & TREND Lab Director, University of Alabama at Birmingham)  

Dimitra Michalaka, Ph.D., P.E. (Associate Professor, The Citadel)  

Tenure-track faculty position (Environmental/Transportation) at Florida Atlantic University

Position Assistant Professor at FAU (1)

t Florida Atlantic University, we are seeking to fill a tenure track faculty position within the Department of Civil Environmental and Geomatics Engineering.

The candidate is expected to demonstrate strengths in research and teaching in one or more of the following areas: health and environmental research, subsurface geo-environmental engineering, transport modeling, remediation, transportation operations and management, artificial intelligent, and travel behavior and demand modeling, and sustainability/resilience. The Department of Civil, Environmental & Geomatics Engineering (CEGE) hosts 3 ABET accredited undergraduate programs, a Master’s degree in Civil Engineering, and a Ph.D. in Transportation and Environmental Engineering with about 600 undergraduate and 65 graduate students. The faculty is highly interdisciplinary and conducts research primarily in the broad thematic areas of Urban MobilityInfrastructure, and Sustainability/resilience.

For more information you can see on the attached file.

(PDH’s) Muscle Wall – Portable Stormwater, Erosion & Flood Control Complimentary Virtual Presentations

I am reaching out to share the new Muscle Wall Lunch & Learn series for your stormwater design engineers who work on stormwater, erosion, and flood control design projects. These are complementary presentations we can do virtually for you and your team.

 Please let me know if you would like to schedule or if you have any questions. 

 View or Download the Flyer

Each virtual webinar qualifies as 1 PDH credit and complimentary lunch is available for in-office attendees. The topics include:

·         Portable Stormwater Management (1-PDH)

·         Portable Flood Control (1-PDH)

·         Portable Coastal & Post Fire Erosion Control (1-PDH)

 Muscle Wall is a portable barrier primarily used to contain or divert water. However, our customers have found Muscle Wall to be a useful tool with many other applications as well. Take a look at some of the applications that Muscle Wall has been used for.

I’ll be happy to help you schedule 1 or all 3. Are any of these topics of interest to your design team?

View more (Free) PDH opportunities: View additional PDH opportunities