CEE 8823: Arts and Geometry



The syllabus is in attachment and a brief course description is given below. Send an email to Dr. Fedele  (fedele@gatech.edu) if you are interested in taking the course or if you have questions.


We will introduce students to the geometry of space and manifolds and how these concepts influenced modern arts and sciences, i.e. Cubism and Einstein’s relativity. The realization of geometry is visualization. The course is integrated with weekly lab sessions taught by the Atlanta-based professional artist Rachel Grant, who will teach students fundamentals of several art mediums:  pencil and charcoal drawing, oil painting, photography, three-dimensional (3D) sculptures and brainwave art using EEG technology.  Students will draw/sketch by hand to stimulate/enhance their visual memory, imagination, and practice abstraction of geometric concepts. Special focus is put on both exact representation (Renaissance art) and geometric abstraction (cubism, modern Art). Students’ artwork will be exhibited in the Georgia Tech Ferst Center of the Arts.


Fall 2021 Students art Exhibit  (YOUTUBE video)

Expressions of Analytical Minds

Faculty Positions at Texas Tech

Texas Tech is looking to fill multiple positions this coming year. We are looking to hire individuals who can contribute to more than one sub-discipline of civil engineering (overlaps across construction, transportation and pavements, geotechnical, and water resources welcome). Individuals with emergent skillsets such as large-scale statistical learning, bioprincipic design, smart and extreme materials, smart and deployable construction technologies, design of civil infrastructure markets, and coupled physical-digital modeling will receive great interest from the search committee. Please pass this on to your colleagues, your proteges and relay to interested individuals that they can contact me directly at venky.shankar@ttu.edu to learn more about our search. Sincerely, Venky Shankar, PhD, PE, Barnhart Chair, Professor and Chair.

AEE World Energy Conference and Expo

As a Scholarship Director of the Foundation of the Association of Energy Engineers is a real pleasure to cordially invite you and 100 of your best students to attend – free of charge –  2022 AEE World Energy Conference & Expo. Our 45th anniversary of this conference will be this year at home in Atlanta, GA | September 21-23, 2022 at the Georgia World Congress Center.

To register your Georgia Tech students for this event please tell them to fill the following form: Students and Faculty Registration, and indicate on the: “Please include details on why you are requesting a scholarship”: The name of your University /  Faculty.

We have so many things planned for this year and hope to see you to discuss energy management, efficiency, automation, data analytics, sustainability, and much more. The students will have a great opportunity to attend in-person special networking events designed for them to connect, learn, and even to do business.

Looking forward to see you in September.

Priscila Carbaugh

Scholarship Director

Foundation of the Association of Energy Engineers

3168 Mercer University Drive

Atlanta | GA | 30341

Ph: 770-447-5083 x 227

Fx: 770-447-4354