Please take note of two new courses being offered this fall:
EAS 4205/6325 Geomorphology will be offered as a 4 credit course (with lab), and
EAS 8001-GEO Surface Processes Seminar will be a 1 credit reading seminar
Details below:
EAS 4205/6325 Geomorphology: This course is a quantitative overview of the processes shaping Earth and other planetary surfaces, predictive models of landscape evolution and modern methods for measuring landscape change over modern and geologic timescales. The course is designed for both undergraduate and graduate students, and includes field trips, Matlab-based computational labs as well as hands-on outdoor labs. Topics include: tectonic geomorphology, alluvial and bedrock river dynamics, glacial erosion and deposition, weathering and hillslope processes, applications of surveying and radiometric dating to measuring rates of landscape change.
EAS 8001-GEO Surface Processes Seminar: This is a graduate level reading seminar (but interested undergrads are encouraged to join and can be admitted upon request) designed to complement EAS 4205/6325 or active research in Earth and other planetary surface processes. We will be joined in weekly meetings by colleagues at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez and University of Colorado, Boulder. Students will have the chance to lead a discussion with a senior instructor on a topical paper in their area of research interest.
Please feel free to reach out to the instructor, Dr. Karl Lang, with any questions: