Month: April 2022
Government of Canada – International Fellowship Opportunity
We are pleased to provide you with information on the upcoming competition for the Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships – Canada’s most prestigious and highest valued award for postdoctoral researchers today.
2022-23 Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships Competition
The Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships program is designed to support world-class postdoctoral researchers. The fellowship provides $70,000 per year for two years. The program is open to both Canadian and international researchers who have recently completed a PhD, PhD- equivalent, or health professional degree. Applications must be completed in full collaboration with the proposed host institution.
The 2022-23 competition was launched in April 2022 and the application deadline is September 21, 2022 (20:00 EDT). Please note that institutions may have internal deadlines.
Please click here to access the launch memo, and kindly consult our website at www.banting.fellowships-bourses.gc.ca for further details on our program, including how to apply.
A&WMA Southern Section 2022 Scholarship Application
Please distribute the attached Air & Waste Management Association (A&WMA) – Southern Section Scholarship application packet to potentially qualifying students from your institution. The deadline for student submission is June 10, 2022. Two scholarships of $1,000 will be awarded.
The Air & Waste Management Association is the educational and technical organization for professionals concerned with the issues of air pollution control and waste management. The Association began in 1907 and is now an organization of 10,000 members who are engineers, scientists, government officials, industrial personnel, control equipment and instrument manufacturers, and academicians. The A&WMA Southern Section is comprised of the chapters in Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, and Tennessee.We are continuously updating the Student Achievement Award Committee mailing list and want to be sure we forward information to whomever in your institution is the most appropriate to address scholarship notifications and opportunities for student engagement. To maintain your institution’s contact information on our mailing list, please acknowledge your interest in the A&WMA – Southern Section Scholarship Program via email, or telephone. We appreciate your interest and encourage your participation.
We are considering other ways that the A&WMA – Southern Section can benefit students pursuing careers in pollution control and/or waste management. We would appreciate your input with respect to ways our chapters could provide for technical exchange, networking opportunities, internships or any other ideas you may have.
AWMA Southern Section Scholarship Application 2022
Special Institutional Fee Eliminated!
The Board of Regents announced the elimination of the SIF as a result of an increase in state support, and the SIF appears to be on track to be eliminated in time for the 22-23 academic year. This means that graduate students will no longer pay $1,032/yr after taxes in order to work as GRAs/GTAs. It took
quite some time to get to this point and advocacy in this space has often been a complicated slog. But, we got there, and the outcome is very positive for students and for our collaborative training environment.You can read more about the changes here:https://www.usg.edu/news/release/board_of_regents_approves_no_tuition_increase_at_25_of_26_institutions_for_the_2022_23_academic_year