Three Minute Thesis Competion April 8, 2022

Registration for the Three Minute Thesis® (3MT) competition, which will be held in-person on April 8, 2022, is now open!

Registration will close on Friday, January 21, 2022.

The Three Minute Thesis competition returns live and in-person on Friday, April 8, 2022! Master’s thesis and Ph.D. students are eligible to compete.

Visit: to register.

Call for Papers – Olmsted: Bicentennial Perspectives

Olmsted: Bicentennial Perspectives

October 14–15, 2022 Harvard University GSD/Arnold Arboretum

The Harvard University Graduate School of Design, in partnership with the Arnold
Arboretum, will host a two-day academic conference as part of the national Olmsted 200
celebration. While Olmsted was central to the conceptual formation of the degree
program in landscape architecture at Harvard University and the design of the Arnold
Arboretum, the interpretive ambitions of the conference are anything but parochial.
“A Great American.” Under that unambiguous heading, in 1972 the Olmsted
Sesquicentennial Committee elaborated its “simple” reasons for celebrating the living
legacy of Frederick Law Olmsted: “to dedicate ourselves to the idea of human survival and
to identify this dedication with America’s first and greatest environmentalist.”
Fifty years later into our ongoing act of survival, it is time again to reconsider the image of
this representative American. America has changed, and so too have its notions of
greatness, of identity, and certainly our understanding of the varied historical sources of
environmentalism. To what ideas do we remain dedicated in the year of Olmsted’s
bicentennial? The story of Olmsted is perhaps no longer so simple, yet more relevant than

Not only as a landscape architect and designer of parks, but also and especially as a
landscape architect and designer of parks, and suburbs, and public institutions, indeed the
grounds of the United States Capitol, Olmsted was and remains a crucial figure in the
definition of democratic space. Democracy needs its defenders, some of the most able of
whom are its most severe but caring critics and friends.

The plural “perspectives” of the conference title is meant to invite diverse points of view.
We welcome papers that draw attention to the several selves and careers of this “great
American” at a time when greatness is far from an unambiguous good.
Harvard University
Graduate School of Design
48 Quincy Street
Cambridge, MA 02138
We invite scholarly papers on any subject appropriate to Olmsted studies, including but
not limited to those that address:
Olmsted as farmer Olmsted as writer, journalist, and reformer
Olmsted and the Sanitary Commission Olmsted and The Cotton Kingdom
Olmsted in California Olmsted on Staten Island
Olmsted and the Columbian Exposition Olmsted at Biltmore
Olmsted on cities and suburbs Olmsted shaper of institutions
Olmsted and the National Capitol Olmsted abroad
and those collective selves, the Olmsted Office in its various iterations and The Frederic
Law Olmsted Papers.
Beyond Olmsted the “man,” itself an increasingly unstable category, there is the work of
design and the built realization of public and private places, of democratic parklands and
urban reservations, of suburban subdivisions, of asylums and a world’s exposition. Papers
are invited on all aspects of the history, significance, and ongoing inhabited reality of the
sites. We especially seek papers that examine Olmsted in an international perspective.
Submission Guidelines
Please submit an abstract of no more than 300 words by Jan 15, 2022.
Abstracts should include paper title, contact information (name, title, organization,
phone, email), and a 150-word biography of the author.
Email notification of accepted presentations will be sent by March 1, 2022.
Presentations are 30 minutes, including questions. Presenters will submit their papers by
October 1, 2022.
Submit abstracts and/or any questions to Edward Eigen:

Faculty and Lecturer Positions at UW-Platteville

UW-Platteville is seeking a Structural Engineering faculty member and an Environmental Engineering lecturer. Brief descriptions are below with links to the full jobs. Please share with potential candidates.Structural Engineering Assistant Professor Position:The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Wisconsin-Platteville invites applications for a full-time tenure track position in structural engineering at the Assistant Professor level to start in August, 2022. We are excited to find a new faculty member to join our group of dedicated educators to teach engineering at our public, access institution. We seek candidates who will collaborate with us to continually improve our pedagogy and curriculum to develop more diverse citizen engineers who will create the sustainable and equitable infrastructure of the future. Full job description and details are available here: Details – Assistant Professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering ( Engineering Lecturer Position:The Civil & Environmental Engineering (CEE) Department at the University of Wisconsin-Platteville invites applications for a full-time teaching academic staff (Lecturer) position in Environmental Engineering for the 2022/2023 school year. The position may continue for additional years. The position is well suited for MS graduates or recent doctoral graduates who would like to develop their teaching skills and establish a record of experience as an instructor. UW-Platteville offers a New Instructor Learning Community and will provide mentorship. Full job description and details are available here: Details – Lecturer of Environmental Engineering (

Cluster Hire in Climate Science in Stanford’s New School Focused on Climate & Sustainability

Stanford University invites applications for multiple tenured or tenure-track faculty appointments at the assistant, associate or full professor level in the broad area of Climate Science. We are searching for creative and innovative scholars with a demonstrated record for high-impact research commensurate with the level of appointment, and a commitment to contributing to a strong university community in climate research, education and external impact. We invite candidates in any area of Climate Science to apply.

This cluster hire is part of a broader effort by Stanford University to build a new School focused on climate & sustainability (, which is expected to receive an official name early in 2022. Appointments from this search will be made in the School, and the School will begin operating in the 2022-2023 academic year.

Candidates must have a PhD in a field relevant to climate science, have an excellent record of scholarly work, and a commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, including a dedication to teaching and mentoring a diverse student body. Application packages should be submitted online at and include the following documents: 1) a curriculum vitae; 2) a research statement (3 pages); 3) a diversity statement that demonstrates the applicant’s commitment and potential to contribute to Stanford’s goals of diversity, equity, and inclusion through personal experience or perspective, scholarship, teaching, or service (1 page); 4) a statement of teaching interests (1 page); and 5) a cover letter that includes the names of three referees who can be contacted for letters. Review of applications will begin upon receipt and continue until the position is filled. All are welcome to apply.

Stanford’s new School focused on climate & sustainability deeply appreciates the value of a diverse, equitable, and inclusive community, and defines diversity broadly to include (among other things) diversity of genders, races and ethnicities, cultures, physical and learning differences, sexual orientations and identities, veteran status, and work and life experiences. Stanford is an equal employment opportunity and affirmative action employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law. Stanford welcomes applications from all who would bring additional dimensions to the University’s research, teaching and clinical missions.

Advertised: Pacific Standard Time
Applications close: