The School of Civil & Environmental Engineering, and Construction Management (CECM) at The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) is seeking applications for a tenure-track faculty position at the rank of Assistant Professor with experience in Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the area of Construction Science and Management (CSM) and with the ability to work in a multicultural, diverse and inclusive environment, beginning August 2022. CECM is one of the five Schools/Departments within the College of Engineering and Integrated Design (CEID) at UTSA.
The successful candidate must possess demonstrated ability to 1) work with and be sensitive to the educational needs of diverse urban populations, 2) support the University’s commitment to continue thriving as a Hispanic Serving Institution, and 3) be a role model for student success. The candidate should be interested in fostering collaborative research and education to create interdisciplinary areas of knowledge that will advance the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the area of construction science and management. In addition, the successful candidate is expected to interact strongly with MATRIX, the UTSA AI Consortium for Human Well-Being, to advance AI research and scholarship. Responsibilities for the position include developing and teaching courses at the undergraduate and/or graduate levels, conducting scholarly research, pursuing external research funding, and making service contributions within the University, the construction industry, and the profession.
Review of applications begins October 22, 2021, and will continue until the position is filled. To view the full job posting and apply for this position, go to