Feedback Needed on Georgia Tech Student Career Needs – Faculty & Staff Listening Sessions and Survey


The Career Center is launching a new initiative called the Georgia Tech Career Coaching Network. The purpose of the Career Coaching Network is to forge a partnership between the Career Center with faculty and staff across campus to address common career concerns expressed by Georgia Tech students. Supporting students in their career development is not limited to the walls of the Career Center, and many universities are creating “train the trainer” models to address career help students often seek from professors, staff, and other community members on their campus.

Before building a similar program at Georgia Tech, the Career Center is seeking faculty and staff feedback on common career questions they receive from students. Based on the information gathered, the Career Center will use this content to build a series of trainings for faculty and staff interested in supporting students through their collegiate career development.

Why is this important and why you should be involved?

–          Gallup studies report that having an engaging job is one of the most important factors in life because it occupies the majority of our time and plays heavily into self-identity1.

–          In a 2014 Gallup-Purdue survey of 30,000 college graduates, they went beyond the traditional measures of college outcomes (placement rates, starting salaries, etc.) to create an index that measures the relationship between students’ college experience and whether graduates go on to have great jobs, great lives and become engaged workers2.  According to this study, if graduates had a professor who made them excited about learning or encouraged them to pursue their dreams, their odds of being engaged at work more than doubled.

–          Three out of six factors linked to student confidence on jobs related to having a mentor or faculty member at their university who excited them about learning and encouraged them to pursue their goals and dreams3.

What is your commitment?

1.       Provide your feedback during a virtual listening session and/or fill out this short survey by Friday, Oct. 29th

2.       Attend an upcoming virtual listening session:

a.       Tues, Oct. 12 from 1pm-2pm

b.       Tues, Oct. 26 from 11am-12pm

c.       Friday, Oct. 29 from 12-1pm

3.       If interested, you may participate in upcoming Career Coaching Network training sessions once they are scheduled. Please share your email in the online survey if you would like to hear of upcoming sessions.

If you have questions, please reach out to Laura Garcia, Director of Career Education in the Georgia Tech Career Center, at

1 Gallup (2013). State of the American Workplace: Employee Insights for U.S. Business Leaders.

Gallup and Purdue University (2014). Great Jobs, Great Lives: The 2014 Gallup-Purdue Index Report: A study of more than 30,000 college graduates across the U.S. Gallup, Inc.

3  Gallup (2019) Six College Experiences Linked to Student Confidence on Jobs. Available online at
