Faculty Position in the Lyles School of Civil Engineering-Purdue University

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The Lyles School of Civil Engineering at Purdue University invites applications for a tenure track Assistant or
Associate Professor as part of Purdue Engineering’s Autonomous and Connected Systems (ACS) Initiative. ACS is
a College of Engineering initiative that creates a community of scholars to advance the science and engineering of
autonomy, robotics, and the internet of things (IoT). Purdue University seeks to attract exceptional candidates with
interests and expertise in interdisciplinary transportation research with a focus on autonomous systems and artificial
intelligence and their use in civil infrastructure. Specific application areas of interest could include, but are not limited
to: connected and autonomous vehicles, highway construction robotics, agriculture robotics, smart logistics, airport
automation, intermodal freight automation, last mile delivery, smart and connected infrastructure, and transportation
system electrification.

To complement Purdue’s existing strengths and strong reputation in transportation systems, candidates are expected
to have expertise in one or more methodological areas related to ACS such as: operations research, machine learning,
control theory, connected systems, infrastructure condition sensing, systems engineering, embedded systems, big data
analytics and internet of things. Successful candidates must hold a Ph.D. degree in Engineering or a related discipline
and demonstrate excellent potential to build an independent research program, as well as potential to educate and
mentor students. The successful candidate will conduct original research, advise graduate students, teach
undergraduate and graduate level courses, and perform service at the School, College, and University levels.
The Lyles School of Civil Engineering at Purdue University is ranked 6th in graduate programs, 3rd in undergraduate
programs, and 2nd for its online MS program according to latest USNWR rankings. The School is an integral part of
Purdue’s College of Engineering. Purdue Engineering is one of the largest and top-ranked engineering colleges in the
nation (2nd public college for engineering, 3rd for online graduate engineering programs, 4th for graduate programs,
6th in the world for utility patents, and 9th for undergraduate programs) and renowned for top-notch faculty, students,
unique research facilities, and a culture of collegiality and excellence. The College goal of Pinnacle of Excellence at
Scale is guiding strategic growth in new directions, by investing in people, exciting initiatives, and facilities.

Applications must be submitted electronically via this site: https://career8.successfactors.com/sfcareer/jobreqcareer?jobId=15320&company=purdueuniv
including (1) a complete curriculum vitae, (2) teaching plan, (3) research plan, (4) a diversity and inclusion statement
indicating past experiences, current interests or activities, and/or future goals to promote a climate that values diversity
and inclusion, and (5) names and contact information for at least five references. The search committee may contact
references to request letters. For information/questions regarding applications contact the Office of Academic Affairs,
College of Engineering, at coeacademicaffairs@purdue.edu. Review of applications will begin on September 15,
2021 and will continue until the position is filled. A background check is required for employment in this position.

Purdue is an ADVANCE institution http://www.purdue.edu/advance-purdue/. The Lyles School of Civil Engineering
is committed to advancing diversity in all areas of faculty effort including discovery, instruction, and engagement.
Purdue and the College of Engineering have a Concierge Program that provides dual career assistance and relocation

Purdue University is an EOE/AA employer. All individuals, including minorities, women, individuals with
disabilities, and veterans are encouraged to apply.

Weekly Digest-Monday Edition


NSF Workshop

WHAT: NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Workshop (written statements)
DAY: Tuesday, September 7, 2021 on bluejeans (link below)
TIME: 11 am-11:45 am
No sign up or preparation required.
Recorded session will be available for those who cannot attend.

Link to Workshop:

Sandia National Laboratories Distinguished Fellowships for 2022
Sandia National Laboratories is seeking candidates for our two Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellowships in National Security Science and Engineering. These fellowships are three-year appointments that allow recipients to pursue independent research that supports Sandia’s national security mission. We ask that you encourage your top PhD students in science or engineering to apply. Please share this information with those students, deans, department chairs, faculty, research center directors, graduate studies offices, fellowship offices, and professional societies. We are proud to have selected Fellows from Caltech, Georgia Tech, Stanford, Princeton, MIT, University of Texas-Austin, and University of Wisconsin-Madison, among others.
Please see the attached letter and flyers for more details on both of our Distinguished Fellowships and pass on to all of your top PhD candidates.

For questions, please contact the Hruby Fellowship Team at HrubyFellowship@sandia.gov<mailto:HrubyFellowship@sandia.gov> or the Truman Fellowship Team at TrumanFellowship@sandia.gov<mailto:TrumanFellowship@sandia.gov>.

Complete application information is available at:
Truman: http://www.sandia.gov/careers/students_postdocs/fellowships/truman_fellowship.html
Hruby: https://www.sandia.gov/careers/career-possibilities/students-and-postdocs/fellowships/jill-hruby-fellowship/

Post Doc Research Position Openings
Wyoming Technology Transfer Center at the University of Wyoming and we have two open Post-Doctoral Research Position in Transportation/ Pavement Engineering. We were hoping you would pass along this opportunity to possible candidates or interested parties.

If hired applicants will be involved in ongoing research studies in the center in addition to working on future research proposals. The work will include conducting research, preparing reports and papers, as well as presenting to professional groups at conferences. They will also be working with others in the center in conducting research like graduate students and other postdocs. The ideal candidate will have a Ph.D. and research experience in the field of transportation engineering or pavement. Experience in safety and optimization is desired but other experiences in transportation/pavement will be considered.

The position includes Health Insurance as well as retirement benefits. The annual salary is based on experience.

The positions are available immediately but will remain open until filled. Interested applicants can submit a cover letter and CV to wyt2c@uwyo.edu. Also, any questions about the position can be submitted there as well.

Wyoming Technology Transfer Center
University of Wyoming
Engineering Bldg. 4092
1000 E. University Ave.
Dept. 3295
Laramie, WY 82071
Fax 307-766-6784

Tenure Track Position in Structural Engineering

The Civil, Environmental, and Sustainable Engineering Department at Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA, has an open search for an Assistant Professor in Structural Engineering. On behalf of my search committee, I write to ask for your assistance in sharing this exciting opportunity with Ph.D. candidates in your department or persons you think may have an interest in our position. In addition to teaching courses in structural design and mechanics, the successful applicant will have the opportunity to help guide and elevate instruction and research in performance-based design (seismic emphasis) and numerical modelling. To ensure full consideration by the search committee, completed applications are due by November 1, 2021. The search page is located here. If you have any trouble with the link, please use the following:

Information for TA’s

As fall semester approaches, we want to share with you an update about CTL resources to help your TAs prepare for a successful fall semester. As a reminder, the USG BOR requires that all new TAs receive training for their position and that new international TAs be screened for English language proficiency.

To that end, this email contains three action items that will be explained in more detail in this message:
Inform your TAs of TA Orientation requirements
Send international TA names for screening to Sarah and encourage international TAs to register for CETL 8802

Refer new GSIs to our GSI Teaching Seminar

1. Inform your TAs of TA Orientation Requirements

This fall, CTL is offering a set of asynchronous Canvas modules supplemented by face-to-face and remote workshops. Beginning August 9, TAs can visit this link to self-enroll in the asynchronous resources and register for synchronous workshops.
To satisfy BOR training requirements, new TAs should complete these 5 asynchronous modules in the GT TA Training course in Canvas by Friday, September 3rd.
Module 1: What you should know about FERPA
Module 2: What you should know about Disability Services
Module 3: What you should know about Academic Integrity
Module 4: What you should know about Online Communication
Module 5: What you should know about Grading

The GT TA Training Canvas course includes an additional optional resource called “Canvas Tips for TAs” that will help orient TAs to using Canvas as part of the instructional team.

We will supplement these asynchronous resources with interactive workshops that you may either encourage or require your TAs to attend. The schedule is available on the CTL Teaching Assistants page.

-Preparing for the First Day of Class – recommended for lab, studio, and recitation TAs as well as GSIs
-Canvas Hacks for TAs – recommended for all TAs who will have responsibilities managing Canvas
-Helping Students Learn – recommended for TAs who work with directly with students through office hours and peer-learning courses
-Advanced Grading using Speedgrader, Rubrics and More – recommended for all TAs with grading responsibilities
-Supporting Students’ Academic Well-being – recommended for all TAs
-International TA Orientation – recommended for international TAs who are new to the U.S./American educational environment

Again, TAs can access all of these resources through the CTL Teaching Assistant page. If you send Kate a list of your TAs, we can confirm their progress after September 3rd.

2. International TA Program
As a reminder, GT’s ITA procedures require that international students with TOEFL speaking scores below 26 be screened for English language proficiency. This screening applies to:

-newly admitted international students with TOEFL speaking scores below 26 who may be assigned TA positions (either locally or remotely from another country)
-returning international students with TOEFL speaking scores below 26 who will be first-time TAs
-any international TA who you feel could use support or guidance, even if they are not new to the TA position

Additional screenings will be available through August. Please send names and GTIDs to Sarah Kegley. Based on the screening results, ITAs will be either approved for all TA positions or will be required or recommended to enroll in CETL 8802: International TA Development.

CETL 8802: International TA Development – 2 credit, pass/fail
This course is designed to increase awareness of communication strategies for non-native speakers and academic cultural norms of the US classroom, including face-to-face & virtual office-hours, recitations, and lab contexts.  In addition to ITAs who are required to complete this course, additional interested ITAs may elect to enroll via Oscar.

3. GSI Teaching Seminar
TAs serving as instructor of record/graduate student instructor are encouraged to participate in our GSI Teaching Seminar, a weekly cohort meeting for graduate student instructors to discuss teaching strategies and challenges. Priority will be given to those who apply by Thursday, August 12 by 11:59 p.m. Meetings will be scheduled around the group’s availability, beginning the week of August 16th.

In summary, we are asking TA coordinators to please:
1. Determine which TA Orientation components you will require your new TAs to complete and communicate requirements to your TAs. Resources open Monday, August 9 and the deadline to complete the asynchronous Canvas modules will be Friday, September 3.

2. If you have international TAs with speaking scores below 26 who have not yet been screened, send their names and GTIDs to Sarah Kegley as soon as possible. Encourage international TAs to enroll in CETL 8802.

3. Refer GSIs to the GSI Teaching Seminar