Call for Abstracts-Twitter Conference

The Atlanta Pod of 500 Women Scientists invites graduate and early career female-identifying and non-binary scientists to present at the first annual Under the Peachtree Conference!

Abstract Submission Deadline: Sunday, September 12, 2021 (11:59 pm ET)

Twitter Conference Dates: October 21-22, 2021

The Atlanta 500 Women Scientists Pod invites Graduate and Early Career female identifying or non-binary scientists in the Atlanta metropolitan area to participate in our first annual Under the Peachtree Twitter Conference. This online conference will provide participants an opportunity to increase their digital profile and provide space for those who haven’t been able to attend in-person conferences over the last year to present their work. Presenters will be invited to present their work in an 8-12 tweet thread, for a 10 presentation with 10 minutes per presenter for audience questions (please see the Presenter Guide). Presentations can be original contributions or previously presented research (we welcome recycled posters – we’ll help you put it into Twitter conference format!). The presenting author must be a graduate or early career female identifying or non-binary scientist located in the Atlanta metropolitan area, co-authors do not need to be.

How does presenting at Under the Peachtree 2021 benefit ECR and graduate scientists?

  • Gain and practice skills in speaking to a broad audience

  • Receive training in using Twitter for science (we’re planning a pre-conference workshop for presenters in how best to use Twitter as a scientist!)

  • Engage in outreach in 2021

  •  Promote your research within your field and beyond!

To submit an abstract for consideration, please email your abstract (limit 250 words) and list of authors, with presenting author clearly identified, to with “Twitter Conference Abstract” in the subject line. Please direct any questions to Virginia Silvis and Meg Sosnowski at or @vsilvis_wx (Virginia) and @MegSosnowski (Meg) on Twitter.

Fall Thesis Info Session, Sept 9th


For thesis students graduating Fall 2021 or later. A flyer is attached for distribution to your graduate students

Students: Do you have questions about submitting your Master’s Thesis or Dissertation? The Office of Graduate Studies with the Georgia Tech Scholarly Communications Librarian will hold a brief Thesis Information Session.

TIME: 3:00- 4:30 PM
Date: September 9, 2021


Meeting URL

During this session, you will get answers to:

-Things to Do Before Graduation
-DocuSign Process for Forms
-Copyright and Fair Use Information
-Creative Commons Licensing
-Formatting of the Thesis
-The Vireo/ETD System
-The Responsible Conduct of Research Policy
and much more…

We look forward to an afternoon of learning and sharing that we hope will further our mission of service excellence to our graduate students. For more information contact Tatianna Richardson, Academic Program Manager, Graduate Studies

Meeting URL:
Meeting ID 634 893 099
Participant Passcode 0425

Want to dial in from a phone?
Dial one of the following numbers:
+1.408.419.1715 (United States (San Jose))
+1.408.915.6290 (United States (San Jose))
(see all numbers –
Enter the meeting ID and passcode followed by #
Connecting from a room system?
Dial: or and enter your meeting ID & passcode

Texas Tech Seeks to Fill Multiple Faculty Positions

We are looking to fill multiple tenure track/tenured faculty positions in the Civil, Environmental and Construction Engineering department at Texas Tech University. I am attaching the ads for your perusal. Please pass on to your prospective PhD graduates, postdocs, former graduates, and colleagues you think can help us in finding great hires. Salary and startup packages are highly competitive; we have hired six young faculty in the last four years and we are looking to add to our dynamic group. I would also add that if an individual wishes to know more about our search, they are welcome to contact me directly at Many thanks in advance for your support.


Dr. Venky Shankar, PE
Professor and Chair

UWash Seattle Seeks PT Lecturer

The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) at the University of Washington Seattle Campus is seeking a Part-Time (50%) Lecturer for the 2021-22 academic year to fill instructional needs in the area of structural engineering. The preferred start date for this position is no later than 9/29/21. Please pass the following information on to recent PhD graduates and postdocs with expertise in structural engineering and the behavior and design of reinforced concrete structures.

The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) at the University of Washington Seattle Campus is seeking a  Part-Time (50%) Lecturer for the 2021-22 academic year (9/16/21 – 6/15/22) to fill instructional needs in the area of structural engineering. The desired start date is September 16, 2021, to provide time for preparation in advance of the start of classes on September 29, 2021. It is expected that classes will be taught in-person at the Seattle campus. Qualified candidates for this position will have classroom teaching experience and the technical expertise required to teach the following three courses during the 2021-22 academic year: reinforced concrete design (senior level) in Autumn quarter 2021, bridge design (graduate level) in Winter quarter 2022, and advanced reinforced concrete system design (graduate level) in Spring quarter 2022. These classes are 3-credit and 4-credit classes comprising 3-4 hours of student contact per week in the classroom, plus weekly office-hours (1-3 hours), as well as supervision of a teaching assistant and/or grader.

Qualified candidates must hold a Master’s Degree or PhD or equivalent in Civil Engineering or a comparable field. Qualified candidates must have classroom teaching experience and expertise in design of reinforced concrete building and bridge systems.

Individuals interested in applying for this position should contact UW CEE Department Chair Laura Lowes (


Laura N. Lowes
Professor and Chair
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

More Hall 201C, Box 352700
Seattle, Washington 98195-2700
Office phone: 206.685.2563