/ Interview Prep: How to Identify and Highlight Your Skills

Interview Prep: How to Identify and Highlight Your Skills

January 1, 1970
12:00 am - 12:00 am
Tuesday, October 5, 2021 – 11:00 to 12:00
President's Suite C & D
Summary Sentence: 
Learn a foolproof strategy to prepare for and ace any interview!

Career Center
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, GA  30332-0105
Phone:  404-894-3320
Fax:  404-894-7308
Email: careercenter@gatech.edu
Website:  http://www.career.gatech.edu

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This workshop focuses on how to be ready for any interview, including behavioral and technical interviews. Join to learn how to identify and highlight your relevant experience, skills, and capabilities throughout the interview.

Register to Attend at:  https://bit.ly/2Y196UK

NOTE:  Registering to attend is not required.  We use it to determine event attendance, so please let us know if you are planning to attend.

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