/ Spring 2022 Undergraduate – Co-op & Internship Registration Workshop

Spring 2022 Undergraduate – Co-op & Internship Registration Workshop

January 1, 1970
12:00 am - 12:00 am
Wednesday, December 1, 2021 – 15:30 to 16:30
Instructional Center – Room 109
Summary Sentence: 
In this workshop, we will walk you through the steps of registering your co-op or internship and how to successfully onboard with the hiring company.
Career Center
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, GA  30332-0105
Phone:  404-894-3320
Fax:  404-894-7308
Email: careercenter@gatech.edu
Website:  http://www.career.gatech.edu

In this workshop, we will walk you through the steps of registering your co-op or internship and how to successfully onboard with the hiring company.

Register to Attend at https://bit.ly/3xkeZds

NOTE:  Registration for this event is NOT required.   We use this to determine student attendance.

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